
Welcome to my blog, where I reveal my deepest darkest secrets (maybe)

A Hacker's Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Black Friday has become the single largest shopping holiday in the west, even overtaking Boxing Day in Canada. Most people go into this weekend with Amazon, Walmart, or (god forbid) physical retail shopping in mind. I prefer to kick back and lurk for online deals. Here's my list of stuff you might be interested in if you're like me. DISCLAIMER: the hyperlinks provided all lead to the American versions of each respective site. Make sure you visit the correct store site for your country. I am al...
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TraceLabs CTF @ BSidesTO 2019

This past weekend, my local meetup group and I attended BSides Toronto. The main event, for us at least, was the Trace Labs OSINT CTF for missing persons. OSINT CTF? WTF? For the uninitiated, Trace Labs is an open source intelligence (OSINT) collective who aims to use OSINT to solve real world problems. Most of their events so far revolve around solving missing persons cases. These come in the form of capture the flag (CTF) events, where teams are given 8 subjects and they compete to find the ...
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Hello, World!

My blog is now officially nonempty! I guess I should introduce myself... My name's Pupper (or pupp3r or Nervous Pupper). I'm a hacker/webdev based in Toronto and I spend way too much time lurking in various corners of the internet. By Day I'm a university student and full stack web developer. I work full time at my job during the summer, and part time when I'm in school. By Night I'm a hobbyist hacker, CTF participant, conference goer, and cool project maker. CTF-wise, my favourite events...
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