231226 - [2:183]... Syam has been decreed...

On you be peace, from the source of peace.



O you who believe, syam has been decreed for you

as it was decreed for those before you,

perhaps you may be ta'ta'kun.


A few number of days.

Whoever of you is sick or on a journey, then the same count from different days;

and on those who are able, they may redeem by feeding the needy.

And whoever does good voluntarily, then it is better for him.

And if you ta'sumu it is better for you if only you knew.


The month (moon) of Ramadhan,

in which the Quran was sent down as a guide to the people and a clarification of the guidance and the criterion.

So whoever among you who witnessed the month (moon) shall fal'ya'sum'hu it;

and whoever is sick or on a journey,

then the same count from different days.

Allah wants to bring you ease and not to bring you hardship;

and so that you may complete the count,

and magnify Allah for what He has guided you to, and that you might be thankful.



if My servants ask you about Me,

I am near answering the calls (dua) of those who call (dua) to Me.

So let them respond to Me

and believe in Me

that they might be guided.


Permissible it was for you during

darkness of syam | syam was not present

to approach your Nisaa sexually.

They are garments for you and you are garments for them.

Allah knew that you used to betray your souls, so He has redeemed you, and pardoned you;

henceforth you may approach them

and seek what Allah has decreed for you.

(wa kulu) and you may consume

(wa'sh'ra'bu) and absorb

until the white thread is distinct from the black thread of the dawn;

then you shall complete the syam towards the darkness;

and do not approach them while you are devoted (secluded) in the masaajid.

These are the boundaries of Allah, so do not transgress them.

It is thus that Allah clarifies His ayat to the people that they may be ya'ta'kun.


On [2:183]

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On [2:184]

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