240505 - Treasuries in perfect measure
The Quran says, in English, [15:21] And there is not a thing, except that We have treasuries of it, yet We do not send it down except in a precise measure. and... [42:27] And if God were to increase the provision for His servants, they would transgress on the earth; but He sends down what He wills in a measure. He is Expert and Seer of His servants. Comment Isn't this glorious? God has unlimited supply of anything and everything. However, it is provisioned to us i...
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230618 - Our choice of words
Good words [14:24] Did you not note how Allah puts forth the example that a good word is like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in the sky. [14:25] It bears its fruit every so often with the permission of its Lord; and Allah puts forth the examples for the people, perhaps they will remember. Foul language [14:26] And the example of a vile word is like a vile tree which has been uprooted from the surface of the earth, it has nowhere to settle. Because [14:27] ...
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240923 - A seed of money that grows
Greetings of peace. In the Quran, it says, translating into English, [2:261] The example of those who spend their money in the cause of God is like a seed that sprouts forth seven pods, in each pod there is one hundred seeds; and Allah multiplies for whoever He chooses, and God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable. ROI That’s a 1:700 return for any money that moves in the favour of God. Note I have used the words God and Allah, interchangeably Some people believe that "Allah"...
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240421 - The feminine pattern in surah 91
Translation pattern via Asad Sirohey. The majestic reading called the Quran says, in English, With name of the God, the Almighty, the Merciful [91:1] And the Sun and her morning. [91:2] And the Moon when revolves around her. [91:3] And the day when glorifies her. [91:4] And the night when it covers her. [91:5] And the Heaven and What constructed her. [91:6] And the Earth and What levels her. [91:7] And soul and What shaped her. [91:8] But brought her, her wickedness and her p...
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231210 - Read
God said... translating into english... Recite... [96:1] Iqra with name of your Rabb | Lord who has created [96:2] Created the insaan from an embryo. [96:3] Iqra, and your Rabb | Lord is the Generous One. [96:4] The One who taught by the pen. [96:5] He taught the insaan what he did not know. Resources Arabic reciting via Abdul Basit: https://app.box.com/s/ipp7lwutf7k38jqrbk92bc2qyi55xa96 English reading via Snoop Dogg AI: https://app.box.com/s/h11jjoe1o30freqvkml5o2y929c86...
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231125 - He will substitute security for them in place of fear
[24:55] God promises those among you who believe and do good works that He will make them successors on the earth as He made successors of those before them, and He will enable for them their system which He has approved for them, and He will substitute security for them in place of fear: "That they serve Me, not setting up anything with Me." And as for those who reject after that, these are the wicked. ...
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231124 - Best individuals and groups in the Quran
Name some among the best before the maker of the heavens and earth. [38:45] And recall Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They were resourceful, and with vision. [38:46] We had chosen them to remind of the Hereafter. [38:47] And with Us, they are of the chosen, the best. [38:48] And recall Ishmael, Elisha, and Isaiah; all are among the best. [38:49] This is a reminder, and the righteous will have a wonderful abode. [38:50] Gardens of delight, whose ga...
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240413 - Qadr and personal responsibility
In the Quran, Allah says, translating into English. [28:67] As for the one who repents, believes, and does good works; perhaps he will be with the winners. [28:68] And your Lord creates what He wills, and He selects; it is not for them to select. Glory be to God, He is far above the partners they set up. [57:21] You shall race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Paradise whose width is as the width of the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah an...
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231117 - Blessed faith and trust in Allah
Allah recounts for us in the Quran, translating into English, the scene where Firawn's forces are pursuing Moses and the Children of Israel. [26:60] So they were pursued at sunrise 🌅 [26:61] But when the two groups saw each other, the companions of Moses said: "We are caught!" [26:62] He said: "No, my Lord is with me and He will guide me." Note, ☝🙂 The fact to the companions of Moses is that they are trapped. The fact to Moses is, NO, they are not trapped, and h...
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231113 - Maintain the Salawaat and the Salaatil Wustaa
[2:238] Maintain the salawaat and the | Salaatil Wustaa and stand dutifully for Allah. ➕ [2:155] And We will test you with some fear and hunger, and a shortage in money and lives and fruits. And give good news to those who are As'Saab'reen. [2:156] The ones who, when afflicted with adversity, they say: "We are to God and to Him we are returners" | innaa lillaahi wa innaaa ilaihi raaji'oon. [2:157] For those there will be Salawaatun from their Lord and a mercy, they are the guide...
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240505 - Make firm our foothold
Greetings of peace. What was it like to be in this army of God? Everything happens with the permission of Allah. The Quran says, in English, [2:250] And when they came forth to Goliath and his soldiers, they said: "Our Lord grant us sabr | patience, perseverance , and make firm our foothold, and grant us victory over those kaafireen | denying" ☝🙂 These soldiers also say, "How many a time has a small group beaten a large group with the permission of God, and God is with the...
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231029 - Forerunners
Glory to God. As'salaam u'Alykum. Greetings of peace, from the source of Peace! Look at these amazing qualities! Hard to do? Good to do! The Quran says, Translating into English, [23:57] As for those who are, from the concern of their Lord | Rabb, reverent. [23:58] And they believe in the revelations | ayat of their Lord. [23:59] And they do not set up anything with their Lord. [23:60] And they give of what they were given, and their hearts are full of reverence t...
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231004 - My Lord will guide me
The Quran says, that Moses said [26:62] He said: "No, my Lord is with me and He will guide me." And Abraham said, [26:78] "The One who has created me, He will guide me." ...
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231206 - Before establishing the Salah
Raw Notes ☝🙂 - Translation via Moses PhD on YouTube [5:6] Oh you who have believed/maintain peace If You decide(d) to Aqim' the Salah (your two-way connections done right) Then Purify/Wash out all distracting intentions in order to truly focus, and your helpers so they become your ardent supporters. And cleanse your leadership and those working under them so both parties can reach their full potential And if You have been sidelined (from Allah's instructions) Then wash out all the impurit...
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231212 - Junnah Fastrack Project 0.7
On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 Welcome Allah says in the Quran, [2:261] The example of those who spend their money in the cause of Allah is like a seed that sprouts forth seven pods, in each pod there is one hundred seeds; and Allah multiplies for whoever He chooses, and Allah is Encompassing, Knowledgeable. Service Overview Frictionless spending in the way of Allah. ROI According to the ayat above, that’s a 1:700 return for any money that moves in the fa...
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230603 - Give from what you love
[3:92] You will not reach piety until you spend from what you love; and whatever you spend, Allah is aware of it. [2:267] O you who believe, spend from the good things that you have earned, and from what We have brought forth from the earth. And do not select the rotten from it to give, while you would not take it yourselves unless you closed your eyes regarding it. And know that God is Rich, Praiseworthy. Previously 230528 - Give from what you love ...
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230525 - Human diversity in the Quran
On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 [49:13] O people, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into nations and tribes, that you may know (accept) one another. Surely, the most akramakum (honourable, noble) among you in the sight of Allah is the most atqaakum. Allah is Knowledgeable, Expert. [30:22] And from His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your tongues and your colors. In that are signs for the world. [5:4...
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230807 - There is not, an example of Him, anything
[42:11] Initiator of the heavens and the earth. He created for you from among yourselves mates, and also mates for the hoofed animals so they may multiply. There is not, an example of Him, anything. He is the Hearer, the Seer. [112:4] "And there is none who is His social-equal." Previously 230518 - There is not, an example of Him, anything 230423 - There is not, an example of Him, anything ...
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230518 - Reveal their attraction to
On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 [24:31] [24:31] And tell the believing females to lower their gaze and maintain their chastity; and they should not reveal their attractiveness except what is apparent. And they should put forth their shawls over their cleavage, and they should not reveal their attraction except to: their husbands, or their fathers, or fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brother...
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230520 - Allah pleased with them...
As'salaam u'Alykum 👋 On you be peace, from the source of peace. Allah, in the Quran says... translating into English, [5:119] Allah said: "This is a Day when the truth will benefit the truthful they will have gardens with rivers (streams) flowing beneath them abiding therein eternally Allah has become pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. Such is the greatest victory." [58:22] You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day leaning towards th...
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230629 - The time of the night is more effective and better for study
On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 As'salaam u'Alykum On Clubhouse, we discussed... ⤵ [73:6] The time of the night is more effective and better for study We then read... [73:1] O you who are cloaked. [73:2] Stand the night except for a little. [73:3] Half of it, or a little less than that. [73:4] Or a little more, and arrange the Qur'an with a meticulous arrangement. [73:5] We will throw upon you a saying (kawl'lan) which is heavy. [73:6] The ti...
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230511 - Remembrance and Salah
On you be peace, from As'salaam, the source of peace. 👋 Allah says, translating into English... [24:35] Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which there is a lamp, the lamp is encased in a glass, the glass is like a radiant planet, which is lit from a blessed olive tree that is neither of the east nor of the west, its oil nearly gives off light even if not touched by fire. Light upon light, Allah guides to His light w...
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231025 - Rarely yahja'oon the whole night
As’salaam u’Alykum. On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 Sleep? [3:17] The patient, and the truthful, and the devout, and the givers, and the seekers of forgiveness in the late hours of the night. [32:15] The only people who believe in Our revelations are those whom when they are reminded by them, they fall sujjadan, and they glorify the praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant. [32:16] Their sides readily forsake their beds, to call on their Lord out of fear ...
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230512 - Salah common meanings
Dua... [14:39] "Praise be to God who has granted me to my old age Ishmael and Isaac; my Lord is Hearer of the prayer." [14:40] "My Lord, let me establish the Salah, and also from my progeny. Our Lord, and accept my prayer (dua)." [14:41] "Our Lord, forgive me and my parents, and the believers on the Day the reckoning is called." [14:42] And do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wicked do. He is merely delaying them to a Day when all eyes are watching. [7:169] Then, a generation...
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231226 - [2:183]... Syam has been decreed...
On you be peace, from the source of peace. 👋 [2:183] O you who believe, syam has been decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you, perhaps you may be ta'ta'kun. [2:184] A few number of days. Whoever of you is sick or on a journey, then the same count from different days; and on those who are able, they may redeem by feeding the needy. And whoever does good voluntarily, then it is better for him. And if you ta'sumu it is better for you if only you knew. [2:185] ...
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230503 - Are there only two divine books?
Peace. The argument for two divine books via Kayvon Note..., the plural books. The assertion is the plural books refers to two books. The first mention of book refers to the Quran, and the other book...? The one that came before. [4:136] O you who believe; believe in God and His messenger, and the Book which was sent down to His messenger, and the Book which was sent before. And whoever rejects Allah, and His angels, and His Books, and His messengers, and the Last Day; then he has strayed...
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230505 - Salah and Dua (prayer) are different concepts
The Salah and the Dua are two separate concepts, and related behaviours. How do we know that? Because what is being said is the prayer (dua), which is asking to establish the Salah. [14:39] "Praise be to God who has granted me to my old age Ishmael and Isaac; my Lord is Hearer of the prayer." [14:40] "My Lord, let me hold the Salah, and also from my progeny. Our Lord, and accept my prayer (dua)." [14:41] "Our Lord, forgive me and my parents, and the believers on the Day the reckoning is cal...
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230424 - [2:47] Transliteration
[2:47] O Children of Israel, remember My favor that I had bestowed upon you, and that I had preferred you over all the worlds. [2:47] Yaa Baneee Israaa'eelaz kuroo ni'matiyal lateee an'amtu 'alaikum wa annee faddaltukum 'alal 'aalameen Yaa Baneee Israaa'eeL az kuroo ni'matiy al lateee an'amtu 'alaikum wa annee faddal'tukum 'alal 'aalameen ...
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240413 - God guides and chooses for Himself
Have faith The Quran says [26:62] He said: "No, my Lord is with me and He will guide me." [26:78] "The One who has created me, He will guide me." and..., [28:67] As for the one who repents, believes, and does good works; perhaps he will be with the winners. [28:68] And your Lord creates what He wills, and He selects; it is not for them to select. Glory be to God, He is far above the partners they set up. God says paraphrasing in English [10:100] And it is not for a so...
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230105 - Our natural inclination to God
via Kayvon. Fitrah Natural disposition to God Natural inclination to God [30:30] So set your face to the system of monotheism. It is the inclination that God has nurtured the people on. There is no changing in the creation of God. Such is the pure system, but most of the people do not know. ...
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230402 - Concern for other people who have not received the message
Brother Kayvon is always concerned that people have not received the message. Or what if they have received the corrupt message. These ayat shed light on that situation. [16:35] And those who were polytheists said: "If God had wished, we would not have served a thing other than Him; neither us nor our fathers; nor would we have made forbidden anything other than from Him." Those before them did exactly the same thing; so are the messengers required to do anything except deliver with clar...
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231223 - Quran Discussion: Insan of the type Bashar
Ayat discussed [53:32] They avoid major sins and immorality, except for minor offences. Your Lord is with vast forgiveness. He has been fully aware of you since He initiated you from the earth, and while you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers. Therefore, do not ascribe purity to yourselves; He is fully aware of the righteous. [15:26] And We have created the Insaan from a sludge from hot sediment. [15:27] And the Jaan, We created him before that from the fire of the fierce hot wind...
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230423 - Muslim and Mumin
There is a distinction between Muslims and Mumins. Or | Submitters? and Believers. God distinguishes between them in 33:35. [33:35] Surely, the submitting males, and the submitting females, the believing males, and the believing females, the devout males, and the devout females, the truthful males, and the truthful females, the patient males, and the patient females, the humble males, and the humble females, the charitable males, and the charitable females, the fasting males, and the fasting ...
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211014 - Angels at the time of death
Reminder [39:18] The ones who listen to what is being said, and then follow the best of it. These are the ones whom God has guided, and these are the ones who possess intelligence. And note, at the moment of death ⤵️ [16:32] Those whom their lives are terminated by the angels, while they had been good, they will say: "Peace be upon you, enter Paradise because of that which you have done." [8:50] And if you could only see as the angels terminate the lives of those who have rejected, they s...
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200427 - Angels among us
[41:30] Those who have said: "Our Cherisher ➕ Nourisher ➕ Sustainer ➕ Teacher ➕ Lord is the-God," then they did right, the angels will come down upon them: "You shall not fear, nor shall you grieve. Rejoice in the good news of Paradise that you have been promised." [41:31] "We are your allies in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. In it you will have anything your soul desires, and in it you will have anything you ask for." [41:32] "A dwelling, from a Forgiver, Merciful." [41:33] And who ...
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231020 - Polygyny and polygamy in the Quran
Al'hamdulilah, by God's grace, this is no longer a "question" for me. Based on the translations of the Quran I've read, as well as the commentary, it's undeniable that one wife is what God prescribes (at a time) from what I can tell. Fact. Prophet Muhammad had many wives. Al'hamdulilah. God decided. God is good. The ruling I'm going with? Chapter 4 ayat. Note: the monotheist group's translation and Sam Gerrans' translation differ in a major grammar way, however, thankfully, the main m...
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241220 - Evil befalls you due to yourself
Al'hakim ☝ The wise, the possessor of knowledge, and the "meta" wisdom the source of wisdom ⊃ [4:78] Wherever you may be, death will find you even if you are in fortified towers. If any good befalls them, they say: "This is from God," and If any evil befalls them, they say: "This is from you!" Say "All is from God;" What is wrong with these people? They barely understand any narrative! This ayat above shows that all is from God, the good, bad and ugly. Y...
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200202 - Except that God wished it so
Al'haqq ☝ The truth. 12:76: So he began with their bags before the bag of his brother. Then he brought it out of the bag of his brother. It was such that We planned for Joseph, for he would not have been able to take his brother under the system of the king, except that God wished it so. We raise the degrees of whom We please, and over every one of knowledge is the All Knowledgeable. 🙌 Al'hamdulilah The beauty of God is so great Note here, it's not just the story of Joseph, it's also the...
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200130 - God does not want to punish
4:147: What would God want with your punishment if you were only thankful and believed? God is Thankful, Knowledgeable. Basically God is asking, what good does it do Him to see you punished? Be grateful Believe in God God is thankful | imagine that eh? God is knowledgeable Al'hamdulilah ...
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200107 - God created everything
Al'haqq ☝ The truth, the ultimate truth The holy truth the source of revealed truth tangible abstract and on and on ⤵ Peace. Hope your Gregorian calendar 2020 is off to a good start. :-) I have what might seem like an obvious point, yet it's a new appreciation for one small part of [ayat 29 from chapter 2][🗣] of the Quran. He is the One who has created for you all that is on the earth, then He attended to the heaven and has made it seven heavens, and He is aware of all things. W...
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191109 - Moses and confronting fears
As'salaam | the source of peace, to you | u'Alykum. Simple reflection. Had a really nice meeting with a few friends. Quran types. 💕♥ The predictability we experience, the laws and such, are a mercy from God. Imagine Moses having to pick up the staff, which became a snake, at night time. Recall, he thought he would bring back some news from the light that caught his attention. One recurring theme in the Quran is getting comfortable with confronting fears. Moses, God shows us in the Qura...
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191030 - Limits to cause and effect
Bismillah. Question On [Stack Exchange][🍔] someone asked Non Muslim person said he believes this world was created by Nature, and that things that happen in his life is due to karma. He doesn't seem to believe in Allah. I tell him this Nature was created by Allah. Then he asks so Who created Allah? How can I answer to him? I know to answer him but our answer should be thinkable. So that's why. One possible response As'salaam | The source of peace to you | u'Alykum. God says in Chapter...
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191109 - Is the earth flat? Does it matter? Are you cozy?
Ar'rabb ☝ The cherisher, the sustainer The Lord the teacher who taught the zeebras to run and babies language and on and on ⤵ As'salaam | the source of peace to you | to you الٓمٓ The earth is our habitat. God be praised. I have had the very good fortune of growing up in tropical climate, and the unbelievably good fortune of living in #Canada. The social issues are awful, here and there, however, the expanse of God's earth is something to behold. [God uses][🗣] the word firoshan or c...
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191026 - Sujud and salah connection and communion
Al'wali ☝ The ally, the guardian the one who has your back the ferocious protector think mama bear those feisty birds and on and on ⤵ As'salaam | the source of peace to you | u'Alykum Thanks for visiting. The Quran alone community has good reason for skepticism around the word "salah" or "salat" as it relates to ritualized Islam. Some from the Quran alone espouse a practice of not following the Sunni 5 daily salah ritual. Note, salah, not "prayer". Why? Because the Quran only talks ...
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191025 - Tarteel and staying up at night
Ar'rasaq ☝ The provider ⤵ As'salaam (the source of peace) u'Alykum (to you) Thanks for visiting. Iff God wills, you'll learn about tarteel, at the very least my understanding of the term. I understand it in two ways [as of today][📺], One, the [melodious reciting of the Qur'an][🌊] Two, the [gathering of ayat in clusters for some reason][👶] you feel inspired | my current understanding I learnt about tarteel back in my university days. I was subscribed to this Sunni Islam website that had...
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191016 - Trading with God
Bog. الٓمٓ That is the [kitab][📖], in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous | muttha'keen Al'hamduliah. Peace, and salaam dear reader. Thank you for sharing your time with me today. When you are done reading this post, if God wills, your journey back to him will continue fruitfully, bearing fruit, here, and no doubt, in the future where God has assured the believers that the good you did now will be, essentially, in better condition in the future. It's like an investment. Y...
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191015 - Timeline
Bog. الٓمٓ In the name of Allah. Bog is a beautiful name of God, and to God belongs the most beautiful names according to the Quran. We often think of timelines as our own. Think facebook timeline, twitter timeline, your own digital trail on YouTube and Chrome, your browser history on all your devices, then there's your MasterCard transactions, that get logged to PayPal, and of course, Netflix and on an and on. That's one part of your timeline. I have a version of that too. That's a deep ...
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191015 - Yep, we can express oursleves alright
الٓمٓ Peace. The Qur'an talks about holding salah at midday. Insha'allah you will ask me for a citation. This is one part of it for me: [https://tab.bz/6wsbo][🖇]. Peace, and I hope your day is going well. Wa'salaam u'Alykum | or "And, on your be peace from its source 👋 Bog I'm opting to reflect on verse 4 of chapter 55 of the Quran or 55:4 for short. It [sounds like this][🗣], or try pronouncing the text below 'all-la'ma h'ul bayaaaann The [english translation is pretty astounding]...
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191019 - Find your satisfaction in God
Bismillah, hir'Rahman nir'Raheem. Allah, however, you've said Allah, in the Yusuf Ali translation, that you, Allah, you have placed love between people. Yet, Allah, you say, somewhere in your Quran, that you stand in the way between two individuals, perhaps, two entities of any kind. Love Allah, are you love? Sweet Malik, love..., Ar'Rahman, Thabath'yadaa, ab'hi luh'bi'yuh wataa'bb. Allah, does that not translate to perish, the hands, the father of flame? Or, "Perish the hands of the fir...
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191009 - Quran chapter 2, 1 to 39 | Visual Argument
In the name of God, the wise, the knowledgeable. In [this video][📺] I read and briefly discuss the [Monotheist Group's translation][📎] of chapter 2 of the Qur'an, from ayat (verses) 1 to 39. I turned that into [this visual][🖼] which you can download, or you're welcome to sample the work in progress [here][🖇]. It will show you the argument in English. The oral rendition of the Qur'an, the recitation that I have been fortunate to experience is that of the late [Abdul Basit][🎙]. It's an acquire...
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191005 - Salaat discussion of Quran 108
In the name of God, the provider, the wise Welcome 🙏 In this [video]|[📺] I compare translations of chapter 108 of the #Quran in #English. I have used the works of the [Monotheist Group]|[🤝], [Sam Gerrans]|[🌲] and [Islam Awakened]|[📎]. You can learn more about their work using the links below. If you have any feedback on Ayat 2 of Chapter 108, I would appreciate it, especially the "superlative mastery" rendition by Sam Gerrans. So perform thou the duty to thy lord And attain thou superlat...
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191001 - A visual explanation of the Quran's argument in Chapter 76
In the name of God, the wise, the source of peace. It's news to many folks that the Qur'an is an argument. Before I was led to the Qur'an, I was a budding student of philosophy. My history prior to that was trinitarian baptist christianity, Al'hamdulilah! God was kind enough to introduce me to so many lovely people and fun along the way. At any rate, it was in my university years that I learnt about philisophical argumentation, and logic in particular, and that piqued my interest. God be pr...
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191001 - Chapter 2 Ayat 255, 256 and 257
[2:255] Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwal Haiyul Qaiyoom; Allah, there is no god except He, the Living, the Eternal. laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm; No slumber or sleep overtakes Him; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. mann thal lathee yashfa'u indahooo illaa bi-idh-nih; Who will intercede with Him except with His permission? ya'lamu maa baina aydeehim wa maa khalfahum wa laa yuheetoona bishai'im min 'ilmi...
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190928 - Be nice to your parents
Parents are a big deal in the Qur'an. I've been blessed by two wonderful parents. Obviously, over the years, completely out of it kinda parents, however, also over the years, unbelievably loving, resilient, strong, principled and all sorts of other amazing qualities type of parents. I did a quick "keyword search" for parents in the Monotheist Group's translation of the Qur'an and these were the verses that turned up. I've added my own "commentary" below, and it represents my thoughts as of th...
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190917 - Yikes beware arrogance
I never used to do this in the past. Certainly not the way I'm doing it now. Wha? Qur'an and "Islam" research on the world wide web. I stayed clear from it. Not that I didn't care about the subjects and topics, however I was acutely aware (paranoid 🤔) of the browser tracking, YouTube watch history, blah, blah, blah. I was super selective about my sources of information. That bit is out the window now. Not that I don't care about privacy and "where I get my news from" and things like that, I ...
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190827 - Badmouthing someone
[49:11] O you who believe, let not any people ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or insult each other with nicknames; miserable indeed is the name of wickedness after attaining faith. And anyone who does not repent, then these are the transgressors. [49:12] O you who believe, you shall greatly avoid suspicion-some suspicion is sinful. And do not spy on one another, ...
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190823 - Chapter 2 Ayat 28
2:28 Kaifa takfuroo'na billaahi wa kunn'tum amwaatan fa ahyaa'kum thum'ma yumee'tu'kum thum'ma yuhyee'kum thummaa ilaihi turja'oon How can you reject God when you were dead and He brought you to life? Then He makes you die, then He brings you to life, then to Him you return. Audio ...
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