231123 - The ultimate pledge
February 18, 2024•144 words
And from among the people is he who sells his soul seeking the grace of God;
God is kind to His servants.
God has purchased from the believers
- their very lives and
- their wealth,
that they will have Paradise;
they fight in the cause of God-so they kill and are killed-a promise that is true upon Him in the Torah and the Injeel and the Quran.
And whoever fulfills this pledge with God,
then have good news of the pledge which you are concluded with.
Such is the great triumph.
- The repenters (the returning),
- the servers,
- the appreciative,
- the activists,
- the kneeling,
- the prostrating,
- the advocates for good and
- the prohibiters of vice, and
- the adherents to God's boundaries
and give good news to the believers.