231029 - Qadr definitive

Greetings of peace.


But his Lord selected him, and

made him righteous.


And it is not for a soul to believe except with the permission of Allah.

And He lets confusion be upon those who do not use reason.

Permission of Allah

Except by Allah's permission

If Allah wills


And if We had sent down to them the angels, and the dead spoke to them, and We had gathered before them everything, they still would not believe except if Allah wills. Alas, most of them are ignorant.


It is not permitted for a person to die except by the permission of Allah in an appointed record. And whoever wants the reward of this world We give him of it, and whoever wants the reward of the Hereafter, We give him of it. And We will reward the thankful.

We could have


And if We had wished, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the sentence from Me has taken effect, that I will fill Hell with the Jinn and people all together.

If We wish


And We have dispatched it among them so that they may remember, but most of the people refuse to be anything but rejecters.


And if We wish, We could send to every town a warner.

Allah guides


For guidance is up to Us.



Whoever is guided is guided for himself, and whoever is misguided is for his own loss. And no bearer may carry the burden of another; and We were not to punish until We send a messenger.


We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and a warner. There was not a nation that a warner did not come to it.

Every nation is warned.



And your Lord took for the children of Adam from their backs, their progeny; and He made them witness over themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes, we bear witness." Thus you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection that you were unaware of this.


Nor can you say: "It was our fathers who set up partners before and we were simply a progeny who came after them. Would You destroy us for what the innovators did?"

and those in the fire will say


And they will scream in it: "Our Lord, let us out, and we will work righteousness instead of the works we used to do." Did We not give you a long life so that he who would remember would take heed, and a warner came to you? Therefore, taste, for the transgressors will have no supporter.


There is no refuting this


No misfortune can happen on the earth, or in yourselves, except it is decreed in a record, before We bring it about. This is easy for Allah to do.


In order that you do not despair over anything that has passed you by, nor be exultant of anything He has bestowed upon you. Allah does not love those who are boastful, proud.



This is a reminder, so let whoever wills take a path to his Lord.


And you cannot will unless Allah wills. Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.


He admits whom He wills to His mercy. And as for the wicked, He has prepared for them a painful retribution.


So where will you go?


It is but a reminder for the worlds.


For whoever of you wishes to go straight.


And you cannot will anything except if it is also willed by Allah, Lord of the worlds.

The point reiterated. Allah must will things for you, for your life to change.


Wherever you may be, death will find you, even if you are in fortified towers. If any good befalls them, they say: "This is from Allah," and if any evil befalls them, they say: "This is from you!" Say: "All is from Allah;" what is wrong with these people, they barely understand any narrative!


Any good that befalls you is due to Allah, and any evil that befalls you is due to yourself. We have sent you as a messenger to the people and Allah is enough as a witness.

All is from Allah, however, evil is not attributable to Allah..., that is something that emerges from actions by us. Evil is not a stand alone thing. It exists as a consequence of behaviour.

This, to me, shows, that yes, all is from Allah, in that, even the evil that manifests is permitted, but not caused by Allah.

Glory to Allah.


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