

Roxine’s 12 Favourite Questions

You have to keep a dozen of your favourite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear or red a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, “How did he do it? He must be a genius!”— Richard Feynmann My brain has two modes: the conscious “frying pan” of my attention and the unconscious “slow cooker” of my s...
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How to publish a weekly newsletter in 4 hours or less (Building a Second Brain case study)

A quick conversation with other newsletter creators reveal that most of them spend about 5-8 hours on their weekly newsletters each week. Thanks to Building a Second Brain, I’ve cut that time down to 4 pain-free hours maximum. Here are a couple of notes on my process before we get into the walkthoughs: I like to split each part up into different days. I tend to start my Monday newsletter on Friday mornings, Saturday mornings, or Sunday mornings. Specifically, curating and outlining are ideall...
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How to Use Readwise to Get Notes and Highlights into Evernote

For an updated version of this article, check out this post: “How to Use Readwise to Get Notes and Highlights into Evernote”. My main capture workflow is Hypothes.is/Instapaper/Twitter -> Readwise -> Evernote. Thanks to Readwise after I highlight something or add a note, they automatically go into my Evernote’s “Readwise” notebook. From there I can move notes into other notebooks and they would still sync with any future updates and highlights. Note that you’ll need a Readwise Full memb...
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Why I’m Still Using Evernote

In the past few months I've gone through almost every note-taking app out there. I also wrote this article for College Info Geek a while back. But since then, my criteria for a note-taking app has changed. It's not just about the writing experiece anymore. It's about personal knowledge management. In this post, I'll be using the 3-step personal knowledge management framework that Tiago Forte lays out in his Building a Second Brain course to outline how I use Evernote's features. Capture - how ...
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