
At 9 am, when I walked out of the Delhi Airport I was welcomed by heatwave capable of baking me if I was there in open for more than an hour. But I felt good to be back in Delhi. I am not very fond random work travel. Traveling with family is a different thing though. Last three days have been maddening. Body was trying to adjust to different time zone and mind was fighting with sudden onslaught of so many different streams of activity seeking my attention. The long flights were to be my way ...
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Day 7

Finally I am in Kigali for SE4All event. Once I arrived here I realized that I am completely consumed be the requirements of the event I am supposed to present in. Yesterday, when I arrived in Kigali, I had some time to prepare for the event and meet a few people. On my drive from hotel to venue of the event, I was enchanted by the view of this African capital. It gives a very hill-station type of feeling. I would love to spend some more time here but surely this is not happening on this trip....
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Day 6

After a long layover at Dubai and a delayed flight from Dubai to Nairobi I am at the Nairobi airport. I also managed to get the priority pass lounge here, something that I had planned for Dubai to get some shuteye there. I do not have the boarding pass for Kigali so waiting for Rwanda Air guys to open their counter so that I can get the boarding pass. I also need to check whether my luggage is on its way to Kigali. This travel planning was so rushed that I could not even check weather at Kigal...
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Day 5

I am at the Dubai airport after a running from one glitch to another at Dehli Airport. Here I am hooked in to one of the free Wi-Fi at tha airport and staring at the airport lounge that I wanted to avail for my 8 hours layover here. The lounge is closed for maintenance. Somehow I feel that I get forced to go through these small challenges as a test of my mental strength. My mind thinks of small niggles that can happen and if I don’t plan then I have to go through those. ...
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Day 4

Spending time with my daughter teaches me a lot of things. Her curiosity concerns and innocent remarks make you think how their thinking is devoid of artificiality and negativity . We all were like that but as we grow we lose these qualities. She is concerned that I am working on something very difficult and she wants me to change my job. She knows that I am working on climate change. She has tried her best to understand what is climate change and what I do. She wants to know if I would be abl...
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Drained Out

I have been clocking more than 70-80 hours every week. Jumping from one high urgency assignment to another one. There is hardly anytime to get myself recharged. The outcome- a drained out me. ...
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The Ivy League and the B Graders

I hankered after an ivy league degree but could not manage it. Many reasons to list but probably the one that mattered most that I was not destined for it. There was something else planned for it. But this desire is now gone. The hankering for Ivy League was for many reasons and based on my analysis of how the feature was looking at that point of time. I am in that future now. I am not regretting that much. 15 years back, an ivy leaguer got quite a privileged welcome in the organisation I was...
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The Sindoor Tree

I had no idea that Sindoor is a tree product. Sindoor is part of the most common ritual of Hindu married women. I met this tree in a forest nursery near Sivni. I am traveling for work in forest areas after a long time. Thanks to Covid and rapidly changing nature of my job. ...
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Building an online home

I started blogging sometime in 2004. The first blog entry was in June 2004 but that was just a placeholder. There were no specific objectives. I just had access to internet and blogging was in. I was experimenting. Soon, my blog on Google Blogspot become home for all kind of things. Email forwards (those were a thing a couple of decades back!), personal updates, articles and news updates from my b-school.. An year later, there were many people whom I came to know only through my blog. Never m...
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The Courage to Stand Alone

Well, so I am finished with my midterm exams and now I have time to do things which I were planning or had planned. But, the real crux is what to do first, go for a movie or finish the three novels I have left after 200 or100 pages. Or should I just sleep in my room to compensate for all missed hours in order get B+ or A in the exams. Finally I decided that I should finish the novels. I have always preferred the books to anything else, because they make you more imaginative and creative. When I...
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