Where to donate?
December 27, 2019•283 words
This year my donations have been inspired by the Effective Altruism movement and the utilitarian philosophies of Peter Singer and Derek Parfit. Very simply, I want to give in ways that minimize suffering in the world.
I want to donate to organizations that work on global poverty and health because I believe a marginal dollar will do more in Africa than in the US (potentially 100x more). For Global Health I will donate to Givewell which does charity research and passes donations on to the organization they believe can do the most good. I will also donate to the Effective Altruism Global Health and Development Fund which makes grants to smaller global health projects around the world.
I want to donate to organizations that reduce animal suffering. While I don't believe that animal suffering is equivalent to human suffering I think it exists on a continuum and with 1 trillion farmed animals alive right now there is unquestionable suffering. I will donate to Animal Charity Evaluators which does research and passes donations on to the organizations that do the most good. I will also donate to the Effective Altruism Animal Welfare fund which makes grants to smaller projects around the world.
I want to donate to organizations that reduce future suffering. Most of the people that will ever live on this earth haven't been born yet and we should work to minimize their suffering as well. I will donate to the Clean Air Task Force which is a US-based NGO that reduces climate change through public policy work. I will also donate to the Effective Altruism long-term future funds which makes smaller grants mostly toward academic researchers.