Media is what?
February 23, 2024•485 words
Now that we are present in our world situation, it may be time for the media front to house a higher percentage of actual communication grids, ingrained with active, round table participation on different levels, and a round table of leaders. The majority of what we have that is supposedly new, still revolves around the idea of a talker on stage and their listeners. Which can work if it is an actual educational transfer, that is much needed, but how many times does it actually act as the real fix? What is the information value? Could it also be viewed as an entertainment front? If it can, then it will most likely cure nothing. Such avenues only keep the media god alive, which now harbors in the internet system. Addiction to media, information and entertainment is real. Addiction to internet is real. This is not a new phenomenon. Before 2008, even 1998, a library had 30-50 people, each in little cubicles typing away at the computer screen. How was the internet developed by the way? A fully charged new-born web, developing and growing, with all of its questions, growing pains and environmental influences. Even then governments and organizations were using it for tracking and hacking online blogs, emails or anyone they thought was a “threat”. It was just unheard of at the time. Leaving hope in the hands of “conspiracy theorists” as they where almost the only ones that were truly open minded.
Now we have the internet, full in its development. And new human addictions trailed in from the television era. Because if you do not get to the root cause and the real cure, it festers, continues and can build upon itself, scarring and callousing without true understanding or healing. Can we learn to use it as a tool of communication or transfer of real education or information and nothing else? Or is it too late for that? The media web is not a place to live and build. It is not a real place. It is not the same as if you go outside to your forest with animals, nature and other people.
Media storage
For the net, the web, there is storage. It is being used just for that but what do people actually know about it? And what is this storage bank exactly? It certainly is not the storage of life but may be trying to mimic it. In real life, we let go of some things and things move around, energy moves and gets stored and recycled in different ways. If we do not let go of some memories or life instances we come across stagnation, may develop behavioral problems, etc. Nature recycles. So do we. This machine world connected to storage seems to be like a stuck combustion chamber ready to explode, harvesting and storing energy, over and over again, all things, all details. Collecting, storing, collecting, storing.