Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 at 2:30 PM

Another month has passed, and I'm still tired. No matter what I do. No matter how much I sleep. No matter how much I try to take care of myself. Tiredness is all I know. No energy. No motivation. No spirit. I can't bring myself to do stuff. I can't bring myself to do the things I have to do. I can't bring myself to do the things I should do. All I want to do is sleep.

I want to sleep, but I can't. I want to rest, but I can't. I want to take a break, but I can't. Stuff keeps piling up. And I'm in no condition to deal with the pile. I'm tired. All I am is tired. Tired is all I am. I can't think, I can't dream, I can hardly be. That's how tired I am.

And in a month from now I'll be probably back here again, trying to find the energy to write a paragraph or two, mostly failing. And I'll still be tired. And another month will have passed.

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