Monday, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:23 AM

I just had a breakdown. Again. Cried for longer than I'd like to admit. Again. It's all too much. Too much. Too much work, too much responsibility, too much things I need to do. Too many processes and people dependent on me. Too much. It's all too much.

I can't remember when the last day was where it wasn't like this. The last day where I wasn't overwhelmed, on the verge of breakdown. It must have been a year ago. Or two. Or three. I don't know. What I do know is that I've been breaking down almost every day for almost 10 months now. Ten months. I'm surprised I didn't kill myself yet. I'm surprised that I'm not suicidal. At least not massively.

I need a break. I need a break, and I'm not getting it. I need help, and I'm not getting it. I need a proper break. A week. Or two. Or three. Or at least a weekend. A full weekend would be a start.

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