Step Back From Initial Reactions

Initial reactions come from deep within our subconscious mind. They are not in our direct control. The judgement and subsequent action are entirely in our control, however hard it may seem. Realize that these initial thoughts do not have to drive our actions. Acknowledge but distance them. When an angry thought comes in, see if you can stabilize the mind and act in accord to your values as if you were not clouded by emotion.

Try a thought exercise and imagine what would happen if you acted out your passions. Question if it aligns with your virtues. Is it part of an ideal character. Nothing can hurt your character but the judgement of these attempts. By relenting you damage your inner character. There is not evading the reputation you have with yourself.

As is usually the case, the effort in dealing with consequences is much greater than dismissing a sleight. It takes great character and wisdom to hold back passions and show clemency. Letting emotions control you is very easy. Being able to demonstrate self-control and reason are virtues we should all strive for. Look for opportunities in the day to day to exercise virtue.

What did I do badly?

Cared a bit too much. Didn't use that time to practice cognitive distancing and other techniques from the book. Surface level focus, probably from dose.

What did I do well?

Started workout with the dreaded exercise first. Moderated dosage. Good focus. Did not become a slave to quick dopamine hits. Good day towards building internal character.

What could I do differently?

Depth of thought. Was able to stay on task but not deeply. Writing helped.

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