Day 1

I recently turned 27 and with this new chapter in my life I feel a sense of urgency to do things that will build a better future.

Specifically, I've become more grateful of experiences with other friends and family and that I'm being more proactive with maintaining healthy relationships. It's not that I didn't enjoy my time with friends and family back when I was say 18 years old. It's more that I felt entitled to these relationships, but being away from home for so long I realize that is not even close to the case. I'm much more weary of acting emotionally or in a way that would sabotage important relationships.

I've also come to realize that having new and unique experiences and meaningfully reflecting on them brings wisdom. I'm thankful for my friend for helping me realize this. He's the type of person that just does new, exciting things and loves talking about it. His motto is to not overthink things and over the years I've watched him become more savvy at navigating life.

That's not to say new experiences will automatically bring great wisdom. Attaining wisdom is a practice that requires rational thinking. When I was younger I went about my life nonchalantly, not really thinking too much about what I wanted or contemplating it any further than the surface level.

I implore others to stop and reflect on whether they are doing things that are going to help them attain their long term goals. To build a future that they envision and to continue to nurture their wisdom and character.

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