Markdown vs ReStructuredText
Admonitions are easy in RST and not so obvious in markdown. Apparently in Sphinx the Myst markdown variant can support it. Link to some kind-of-appropriate docs: :::info I notice the Standard Notes editor supports this automatically! This uses the “:::” fences instead of the more familiar “```” one for code blocks ::: ...
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Processing images for a website
I always seem to forget the best options for converting eg a photo I’ve taken - or downloaded from Unsplash - for use on a website. Here’s a reminder, based on general experience and also the answers and notes for this StackOverflow question. The basic answer is: Crop if necessary, so the image is the right aspect ratio (GIMP does this fine) Use imagemagick to compress etc, with a command like: convert input-image.jpg -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -resize 800 \ -interlace JPEG -co...
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Hello, world
I blame the Ubuntu Podcast for me finding out about this easy blogging platform. I'm kind of grateful though - this could be useful! ...
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