Restoring my streak, one habit at a time

I did my five minutes of doing nothing. I am sitting on the bed. I could not hear my blood pumping. But an episode of Columbo called Negative Reaction was playing on the background. My mind did not wander a lot. I think my mind was fixed on the dialogue. My mind was stuck on the name of a minor character from the episode. This character was a driving instructor named Mr. Weekley. It is such a strange surname. At first, I thought it was Weakley. But even then, it is quite a strange name. If this person existed in real life, he probably will never hear the end of it. Will people having that surname be more likely to fight against the implication of their surname?

I only slept for 4 hours as my conference presentation was at a time when it is in the wee small hours. I also had a couple of other tasks to do for today. I was not able to play the piano.

Hopefully, I could return to the other habits I have broken in the next few days.

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