2022-02-22 Chapter 19 - Caching
February 22, 2022•399 words
service-cloudfront-001; AWS allows both external and internal {{c1::caching}}. External {{c1::caching}} deals with data that returns to users (images, videos etc) while internal could be in front of a database in an application.
service-cloudfront-002; {{c1::AWS CloudFront}} is a fast content delivery network that securely delivers data, videos, applications and APIs to customers globally. It helps reduce latency and provide higher transfer speeds using AWS e{{c1::dge}} {{c1::locations}}.
service-cloudfront-003; AWS CloudFront defaults to H{{c1::TTPS}} and allows the ability to add custom SSL certificates.
service-cloudfront-004; AWS CloudFront does not allow choosing distributions across specific {{c1::countries}}.
service-cloudfront-005; AWS CloudFront can be used to front AWS endpoints along with {{c1::non-AWS}} applications.
service-cloudfront-006; AWS CloudFront uses a {{c1::TTL}} parameter to determine the duration for which content is cached. It also allows users to {{c1::manually expire}} content.
service-cloudfront-007; AWS CloudFront allows configurable access controls using {{c1::signed URLs}} and {{c1::signed cookies}}.
service-cloudfront-008; AWS CloudFront employs price classes which vary according to {{c1::broad super-regions}}.
service-cloudfront-009; AWS CloudFront can solve a broad variety of customer {{c1::performance}} issues.
service-cloudfront-010; AWS CloudFront can be used to block individual {{c1::countries}}, but a {{c1::WAF}} is typically a better option for doing so.
service-cloudfront-011; AWS CloudFront is the only option to support {{c1::HTTPS}} on a static website being hosted in an S3 bucket.
service-elasticache-001; {{c1::AWS ElastiCache}} is a managed version of 2 open-source technologies: Memcached and Redis, which are {{c1::database caching}} solutions.
service-elasticache-002; Memcached cannot function as a {{c1::standalone database}}, and it does not offer failover, multi-az support or backups.
service-elasticache-003; Redis can function as a {{c1::standalone database}} and can supports failover, multiple-az and backups.
service-dynamodb-014; {{c1::AWS DynamoDB Accelerator}} is a highly available cache for DynamoDB which lives inside the VPC you specify.
service-dynamodb-015; AWS DynamoDB Accelerator allows you to configure {{c1::node size}} and count, T{{c1::TL}} and m{{c1::aintenance}} w{{c1::indows}}.
service-dynamodb-016; AWS DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) only supports {{c1::DynamoDB}} and not other database types.
service-globalaccelerator-001; AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that sits in front of applications and uses AWS global network infrastructure to increase {{c1::performance}} and deal with the specific technical problem {{c1::I.P. caching}}.
service-globalaccelerator-002; AWS Global Accelerator deals with I.P. caching by offering two {{c1::static I.P. addresses}} regardless of what's behind them. In doing so, it masks complex architecture.
service-globalaccelerator-003; {{c1::AWS Global Accelerator}} allows users to configure listeners and endpoint groups to distribute traffic, similarly to Route53.
service-globalaccelerator-004; AWS Global Accelerator allows the creation of weighted {{c1::pools}}, which can help to test new features.