Free work
As a contrast to the topics of strategy and process I feel an urge to also do free work. I often enjoy the process of creating and I want to do that more without the constraints of client-perspective etc. Could also imagine free work to develop a business perspective some day ... ...
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Note on plannig #1
I more and more realize the benefits of planning in design projects. At the same time I know from experience that the creative part of the design process isn't really predictable. I guess there's no way around a process that not only contains timeslots and deliverables but also takes into account the very nature of the different tasks and gives each of them the space it needs. Concerns should be brought up and discussed! ...
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Note on process #02
It makes sense to take a close look at peoples skills and how to bring them together. It seems that a well selected team with the resources it needs, can accomplish a lot and have a high quality output even in a short time. But I think you really have to look closely and not turn a blind eye. Listen to people and don't hear only what you want to hear. Teams selected like this will not stand the reality check and then processes can get really exhausting and output unsatisfying. ...
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Note on process #01
For me it's important to keep the process in mind and to take a step back regularly and zoom out and observe where I am/we are at at the moment. In the past I've often surrendered to the process but I see that in observing and criticizing and improving the process, important improvement can also be enabled for the product. ...
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Digital design note #01
If Designs/UI looks too print/old: Keep things very very simple. Try really to reduce as much as possible. Be minimalist, simple and cool. Can add/decorate afterwards if necessary at all. Also, be light not heavy. Work on Sections/Modules, not on a page! ...
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Strategy vs./and Design (questions)
Looking back I think that as a designer strategy has always been a part of my work and the design process. Yet in the last years while design in all its various forms and disciplines made its way into big business strategy and process came into focus. In a design process for a digital project I find myself with ux-specialists, strategists and UI-Designers. Having been part of a sprint with all those people there are a few questions I ask myself: 1) How rigid vs. flexible should a process like...
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On a professional level it seems that I am at a point where things are moving. Coming from more or less classical Graphic Design/Art Direction/Branding I realize the field has already changed massively. I'm excited about learning and acquiring new skills but at the same time I'm feeling the pressure of finding a (new?) position/role for me that fits with my experiences/skills/knowledge/expertise and with what I like to do and with what's relevant for me and in the world today/tomorrow. I make n...
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