October 23, 2018•643 words - Video I talk about.
As a person that has absolutely no chance of sleeping correctly, this type of video really makes me wonder, who is unhealthy? To break it down, Casey Neistat sleeps from 11pm to 4am every day. He gets up, and from 5-7 he works. For him, there's two hours of productivity there, free from anyone else. No one is awake, everyone is asleep. No social media, probably no news, no text messages and no phone calls. Two hours of calm focus. Then, his daughter gets up, and they eat together. She leaves for school at 7:30, and he goes for a run by 8Am.
Just to dissect this bit and put it back into what I think I want from my day, I don't see how this is at all sustainable. My sleep schedule is beyond ragged, going from 3-4Am bedtimes before my 6:45 daily wakeup for class to 10-11pm bedtimes, sometimes completely passing out at 6-7pm, so I am coming from a position where scheduling and proper timings are a foreign concept, but I fail to see how it's possible for anyone to consistently, daily even, get up and grind at that time. My focus in the early hours is appaling - I think, if I managed to get up and lay in bed for two hours after a 5AM rising I would be proud. No chance at all of getting real work done. Is there some sort of biological aspect, or is it just my complete lack of self motivation? I have things I want to get done, and in all honesty I don't find time to do them (look at the infrequent posting schedule of this blog for proof) but there's a sense that it's completely out of my grasp.
Moving on, Casey says he works from 10AM-6PM. After waking up at 4, this seems really late to me. Obviously, I'm not a parent, and I understand he probably wouldn't wake up much later (6:30, maybe?) if he slept in, but why not nap again? What makes the run so integral to his day? Is there some sort of thinking process that only activates when you're running, or is he just more concerned about his fitness than I am? (That is, of course, a rhetorical question.) Then, he goes home, 6-10 is his time with his family (which in my case would be susbstituted for a shouting match with my mother) and then he goes to the gym before clocking out at 11, ready to do it all again. Logically, to avoid the 4Am wakeup, couldn't my work be at that time? What seperates the 5-7 work to the 6-8 work, besides potential distractions?
See, when I first watched this yesterday, it all seems quite good. He's productive, evidently, and there seems to be a strong, defined and stable rhythm to what goes on day to day. Yet, the more I think about it, the time he wakes up doesn't actually matter. Going off of the video, he sleeps 5 hours a day, which on average is the same amount of hours I sleep. It's not about the sleep, like the tag line of the video says, and it's not this great battle to wake up at a certain time. It's about finding the right match for what you want to do, and organising your time accordingly. Of course, a rota helps, but the 4Am wakeup doesn't have to work for everyone, and considering that I roll out of my covers kicking and screaming at quarter to seven I doubt I could pull it off. Still, the video did help me, in a way - time management is key, and the bottom line for Casey and me is that we both need more hours cuddled next to a pillow. - Video I talk about.