A Jouer

[ ] Valley of the king ext [ ] Arboretum [ ] Mage war academy [ ] Golden âges ext [ ] Cry havoc [ ] Tempus [ ] Carson city ext [ ] Han [ ] Archeology [ ] Pax pamir [ ] Glass road [ ] netrunner extenssion [ ] haspelneck ext [ ] Codex [ ] eminent domain exotica [ ] Tragedy looper [ ] Raven of thrishaari [ ] colonial twilight [ ] V-commando ext [ ] lignum [ ] Lisboa [✓ ] Les poilus + ext [ ] Terraforming mars ext [ ✓] Whitehall mystery [] Lignum [✓] Inis [✓] Hanamikoji [✓] Lost expedition [✓] Mach...
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Pax transhumanity

4 spheres 3 step on each spheres each sphere as idea, or market cards price from 0-5 current regime splay (color=dicipline = patents) draw deck, idea + 4 tipping point card + one last card Player mat (player aid, track order, money) finance agents (capital, wealth and dept), one meney per step think tank stack (research department, current idea is on top) circled are potential companies agents can be moved to employee, patents and syndication Points May get points on: companies on barr...
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Turn 1 : hire Trainer Turn 2 : play Trainer, hire Marketing Trainee and train him to Campaign Manager (First to Train) Turn 3 : play Trainer, hire Kitchen Trainee, train Campaign Manager to Brand Manager Turn 4 : play Trainer + Kitchen Trainee + Brand Manager, hire Errand Boy and train him to Cart Operator, 1 turn 1-3 houses airplane advertising burger or pizza (First Airplane, First Burger/Pizza Marketed, First Burger/Pizza Produced) Turn 5 : play Trainer + Cart Operator + Pizza/Burger Cook, h...
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