



  • China in the 19th century
    • 80% agricultural population
    • Did not industrialize
    • Imperialism from the Japanese and British
    • Suffered during the opium wars
  • Xinhai Revolution of 1911
    • replaced the 2132 year old dynasty for a republic
    • Caused political division
    • Communist revolution six years later


  • life
    • Born to prosperous peasants in 1893
    • Studies to become a teacher
    • Engaged in the army during the revolution but did not see combat
    • 1921: Founding the Chinese Communist Party
    • 1917 CCP and Nationalist civil war begins
    • Civil War lasts for 22 years, guerilla war
    • 1949: CCP prevails and Mao becomes the head of state
    • 1958: Great leap forward
    • 1976: Death
    • \



  • Contradictions
    • Unity of the opposites (from Marx)
    • Contradiction makes the world evolve (from Hegel) even in a socialist society
  • Contradictions against the enemy, is antagonistic
    • For Mao, the enemy was something that could unite the people
    • Anyone opposed the socialist revolution was the enemy
    • Only through dictatorship can it be handled, transforms the people
  • Contradictions among the people it is non-antagonistic
    • Handled in a democratic matter of persuasion and (indoctrination) education
    • Called the regime the People’s democratic dictatorship
    • Classifies how to deal with these contradictions


  • Phases
    • China also in the feudal stage, hardly a proletariat or industrialization
    • Mao develops four elements that form foundation of Maoism
    • Marx believed in revolution; Mao used an evolution to take power between 1927 to 1949 by a drawn out conflict war of attrition
    • Marx believed socialism would take place in the cities among the proletariat; Moa began his revolution in the countryside, he surrounded the cities
    • Proletariat not the communist backbone like in Marxism, for Mao it was the peasants
    • After founding the PCR, develops the idea of the permanent revolution of transformation from the socialist phase to the communist phase
    • The great leap forward: economic revolution
  • The great leap forward: economic revolution

    • Abolition of private property
    • Collectivized farming, millions of deaths
    • Farmers expected to produce enough to sponsor industrialization
  • Cultural revolution

    • Need to fight off the bourgeoise
    • Destroy old culture, habits, customs and ideas
    • Main soldiers were the students, they were easily indoctrinated, all had the Red Book
    • Came after the professors
    • Students accused their parents of anti-communist sentiments or being influenced by bourgeoise
    • Moa had this cult of personality, students had more loyalty to him
  • Rivalry

    • Contention between China and Russia, Leninism and Moaism
    • There was also political tension due to issues like the Korean War
    • Castro was a Leninist, he had a vanguard of revolutionaries and was trained in Russia
    • Cambodia was an agrarian extremist reform > everyone goes to the countryside
    • Cold War leads to a split between China and Russia
  • USSR change

    • 1989: Lack of competitiveness, issues in ideology since the state did not wither away
    • Vanguard had created a new elite, a new bourgeoise
    • Gorbachev tries to modernize communism
    • Perestroika: Restructuring of the economy
    • Glasnost: transparency, openness, political change
    • His modernization plans opens pandora’s box of nationalism among its satellite states
  • China

    • Change of economy but no political freedom or transparency
    • Opposite from the USSR: success in adapting economy but did not want to change politics
    • People will submit to the one party as long as living standards are not terrible
    • Rise of middle class typically leads to social revolution
  • Socialism

    • Anti-capitalist and also saw its connection to imperialism
    • China had no proletariat, therefore was an agrarian population
    • Feudalism created class struggle
    • Capitalist countries could not become socialist outright, but the oppressed colonialized and exploited nations could
  • Government

    • Centralized government
    • Control of agriculture
    • Should reflect views of the masses, with an exchange of ideas in a transitive way
    • State should decide the best action for the sake of the people in the long term
    • Great Leap Forward: Abolition of private ownership, with a five year plan of farming cooperatives
    • Leads to the starvation of between 20-40 million people in a span of four years
    • Lead to opposition
  • Cultural revolution

    • Marxist’s permanent revolution
    • Mao saw a need to get rid of the former culture: the old customs, cultures, habits, and ideas
    • Intellectuals, teachers, parents, targeted by young people


Death and aftermath

  • Reforms
    • Saw that communism was not practical and the regime would not last
    • Lead to a freer market, private ownership, but still controlled economy
    • Considered the founder of modern China
  • Communism
    • Leads to a brand of agrarian communism like Lenin, popular in Cambodia and Cuba
    • Several revolutions in third world countries

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