Coping with caring
I am going to be a carer to my partner, my sister and my dad for the rest of their lives. It's a privilege. What can dealing with people who are ill teach you about how to deal with people? You should listen more than you talk. Take breaks when you need to. Make sure you look after yourself. I realised as Gwin went off to bed that we're leaving 2019 stronger than we were at the end of 2018. It seems to be working. ...
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Living in the hive
I don't do social media anymore. I despair for our future. It's desperate. Our relationships with these companies are completely asymmetrical. And they have tested it out on the youngest, most vulnerable members of our society. People are not meant to be constantly connected. You can't be a functioning individual if you grow up in a hive. A bee, if it is separated from its swarm, can't survive. ...
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Duhigg Power of habit
This is a really, really interesting book. The tools for finding your habits (or are they addictions?). They all form a loop, that goes in a circle (imagine this, because I'm not doing a drawing): Cue > Routine > Reward > back to cue Step one: Identify the routine What's the routine? In my case, it's using the Internet excessively, to the detriment of other things. What's the reward for doing this? In my case, I think it is a way to take myself away from feeling empty and stressed...
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A new start
Gwin is really struggling with her mental health, and I am looking after her. It is rough. We aren't going to be able to have my family over, her anxiety is stopping her from being left on her own. I felt really bad after I went downstairs. She hasn't made any bread like she said she was going to, so there were just crisps for breakfast. My first Christmas without eggs! She bought me a shirt which I liked, but it was three sizes too big. Although I did get the Analog Sea books that I had wanted,...
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