Work Log 5 29 19

Excited about:

Researching HighScope. Planning praxis visit.

Goal to create:

A plan for praxis

Goal to Learn:

The names and background of employees

Potential challenges:

Work from my other business calling me today

Goals Met?

Even better. 6/5

Do differently?

No. And I already paid it forward twice. 

updated website


combed through photos to post


researched child life, setup account to become assc member and access paid resources, emailed regarding video, searched public resources


studied “equity” as it appears in education. 


contacted karen kay rush of highscope re interview for podcast


learning about anjiplay and DEY. big movement to include more play in schools


Early Childhood daycare ctr at cofc, could viist


Laboratory schools, Kahn.


Quality education, contacted videographer on linked in


65k views for a vid that doesn’t work

Joanna faber... could go to the source...



I think I figured out my angle, the service, the problem I solve... to stop tantrums

I’m ready to start my podcast. 


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