Separation Myth
What if dematerialization was a gift? One that could keep on giving What if separation was dissolved between us? What if that could help us keep on living? From ash to ash, from dust to dust, Prevail onwards we must. Communities shift shape as do all bodies trapped in time. Conscious purpose when entangled and intermingled becomes unwind. Without place or space to hold, infinity becomes the mold. Where then does abundance flow? All around us, through and fro or as the Buddhist say “as above...
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Community-Led Growth: How We Heal Our Worlds
Community-Led Growth: How We Heal Our Worlds By Tapping Into The Space With/In TOC Foreward Act I: Community Needs Power Shift From Power Over To Power With/In Act II: Community Needs Self-Management Act III: Inviting In Community-Led Futures Afterword Foreward 1The way we organize as humans to acomplish things is in dire need of an update because the way we produce things as socieities, nations and coalitions is in many ways broken and we are failing to adapt to a changing planet. New for...
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Containers for Social Technology and Social Change
Containers for Social Technology and Social Change Techniques. How might we turn the telescope back on ourselves whether we are conscious or not? ...
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