[9] What to Say when you Talk to Yourself

Book Written By Shad Helmstetter


What I say to myself and how I communicate programs my brain

Great for programming or reprogramming my subconscious mind

Why would I want to reprogram my subconscious mind?
• If I don't consciously program my mind, then I allow others to program it
• Programming my subconscious mind to believe reality to work a certain way and the actions begin to flow from me

I must believe that this work is possible

It makes no difference whether we believe it or not. The brain simply believes what I tell it most. And what I tell it about myself, it will create. It has no choice.
Everything I watch, hear, or see is going into my subconscious mind and altering my perception of reality. Changing the way the way I see reality, and thus, changing my actions and behaviors. If it is not the kind of information that is aligned with my goals and vision, then I am creating conflicting programming and I am setting myself up for a lot of confusion.

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between true or false, what is fact and what is fiction, it believes what I say and if I say it with enough repetition, it becomes my reality and the actions and the habits that flow through or from me comes from the programming that I've placed in my subconscious mind

When I was quite young, I had a soaring imagination. Long before I learned what we could not do, I dreamed of doing what I knew we could. I could reach out and touch those stars. I could imagine any dream and see it come true
Young kids often dream big, however, through the repetition of being exposed to people who don’t think it's possible, they adopt their programming, their ideologies, their beliefs into their own and when they grow up, they no longer believe that it is possible. Instead, they settle into a life that is dictated to them by others

I Learn to Believe

  • What adults told me as a child had an incredibly important effect on me. It formed what I believe about most of what is going on around me and almost everything that I come to believe about myself
  • Some of my programming is obvious. It stands up, gets my attention and demands my response. But much of my programming is not nearly so apparent. Most of it has been much more subtle.
  • Each day each of us receives an endless stream of commands, directives, controls, inducements, and expectations from others. Everything around us nudges, demands, and persuades
  • Much of the programming which each of us received was the wrong kind; Much of everything that is recorded and stored in our subconscious mind is counterproductive and works against us- in short, we are programmed not to succeed.
  • Most people get their programming from TV, from general social norms, the ways of doing things, and most people are unhappy, do not have control of their finances or health. They were my surroundings when I was a child. I don't want to live like that and I have evolved.
  • I can reprogram. I can erase the old negative, counter-productive, work-against-me programming and replace it with a healthy, new, positive, productive kind of programming. And it's easy. Erase and replace. All I have to do is learn how to talk to myself.

In order to become a doctor, I must reprogram my mind to love studying. This leads to passion with every course that I take, every lecture I attend, every bit of homework will be so enjoyable that I don't want to do anything else.

Reprogramming my subconscious mind may initially result in more negative thoughts. This is a survival mechanism. I am changing my subconscious mind's programming despite my life being fairly good, but I want to go higher. I want to level up. My old, dying programming is throwing all this negativity, but I'm aware of it.

The Missing Ingredient from many Self-Help and Business Books

  1. Permanence. All "external" solutions are temporary. Even the best idea works only for a time. Without constant attention and effort, even the most exciting success breakthroughs run their course and eventually end up on my list of "good ideas" and "good intentions"
  2. A knowledge of the psychological processes of the human brain based on what we now know about actual mind/brain functions. Without an understanding of the actual process by which the human brain accepts information (programming) and in turn, responds, directs and controls us, it would be difficult (or impossible) to create any success plan that worked and kept working indefinitely
  3. A new, word-for-word set of directions, new programming to the subconscious mind (the control center of the brain). That means a specific "programming vocabulary" which is worded in a specific way, that anyone can use at any time, to erase and replace the old negative programming with positive, productive new directions

How to Program my Brain with Self-Talk

• All external motivation is temporary. External motivation is the kind that may wake me up, but it will not keep me awake for long. It may influence me to make a change, but it cannot make a change for me.
• How about being my own motivator? How about taking charge and putting myself back in control? I can, just by learning that all true motivation-the only kind that lasts, the only kind I can count on-is internal motivation

Five steps that control my success or failure

  1. Behavior
    • The step that most directly control my success or failure is my behavior- what I do or do not do. Behavior means my actions. How I act and what I do each moment of the day will determine whether or not I will be successful that moment or that day in anything that I do
    • The reason I don't heed even my own advice is because of something else which affects, directs, influences, or controls all of my actions. That something that makes me do what I do is called my feelings
  2. Feelings
    • Every action I take is first filtered through my feelings. How I feel about something always determines or affects what I do and how well I do it
    • But what causes me to have the feelings which are so much a part of me? Did I get them by accident? What creates the way I feel about anything? Chance? Never. My feelings are created, controlled, determined, or influenced by my attitudes
  3. Attitudes
    • My attitudes are my perspectives from which I view life. Most people have a combination of attitudes, some good, some not so good
    • But where do we get our attitudes? Our attitudes are no accident. They don't just happen. Our attitudes are created, controlled, or influenced entirely by my beliefs
  4. Beliefs
    • What we believe about anything will determine my attitudes about it, create our feelings, direct our actions, and in each instance, help us do well or poorly, succeed or fail. The belief that we have about anything is so powerful that it can even make something appear to be something different than what it really is. "Belief" does not require that something be the way we see it to be. It only requires us to believe that it is
    • What makes us believe? Our beliefs are not accidents of nature. Our beliefs are created and directed entirely by our programming
  5. Programming

How to Change my Programming

What is Self-talk

• Most of our self-talk is unconscious
• If everything I tell myself about myself becomes a directive to my subconscious mind, then any time I make a statement about myself that is negative I am directing my subconscious mind to make me become the person I just described negatively
• I have learned that what I put into my brain is what I will get back out. I also have learned that the subconscious mind will believe anything I tell it. It will even believe a lie. If I tell it often enough and strongly enough. The brain makes no moral judgements, it simply accepts what I tell it

The Five Levels of Self-Talk

  1. Level 1 self-talk represents everything from my simplest misgivings to the worst fears I have about myself. It is my way of telling myself to hesitate, question my capabilities, and accept less than I could have done, had I only given myself a chance
  2. Level 2 self-talk is characterized by words such as "I need to …," or "I ought to …," or "I should …" Why does that work against me? Because it recognizes a problem, but creates no solution
  3. Level 3 self-talk is the first level of Self-Talk that works for me instead of against me. In this level, I recognize the need to change, but also I make the decision to do something about it-- and I state the decision in the "present tense" though the change has already taken place. Level 3 is characterized by the words, "I never …," or "I no longer."
  4. Level 4 self-talk is characterized by the words, "I am…" "I am organized and in control of my life. I am a winner! I am healthy, energetic, enthusiastic, and I'm going for it! Nothing can stop me now. I like who I am. I am in tune, on top, and in touch. I have determination, drive, and self-belief."
  5. This level of self-talk is of "oneness" with the source. This level speaks of a unity of spirit, a divine and timeless cosmic affinity which transcends all worldly things and gives meaning to my being

How to Implement Self-Talk

There are five different methods for using Self-Talk; I may choose to use some or all of them

  1. Silent Self-Talk
    • This goes on all the time. Can be conscious or unconscious. Replace old self-talk with positive new self-talk. Very natural and easy to use. Notice the self-talk that comes up when I am in a challenging situation. Is it empowering? If not, then this comes from the subconscious programming.
  2. Self-speak
    • Anything that I say aloud.
  3. Self-conversation
    • Actually talking to myself aloud and holding down both ends of the conversation all by myself. When I have a self conversation, more of me gets involved.
  4. Self-write
    • The kind of self-talk that I write out, word for word, for myself.
  5. Tape-talk
    • Reading cards, one by one, may lead to effects. But recording self-talk and playing it for myself over and over may be more beneficial.

The Self-Talk Check List

  1. Is my self-talk stated in the present tense?
  2. Is it specific?
  3. Does it get the job done without creating any unwanted side effects?
  4. Is it easy to use?
  5. Is it practical?
  6. Is it personal and is it honest?
  7. Does my self-talk ask enough of me?

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