[100] Man's Search for Meaning
Viktor Frankl The authors experience is one of tremendous confidence, endurance, and faith in finding knowledge and understanding in the most unimaginable situation a human being could ever be in: A concentration camp. The idea is that I give meaning to my life. Even in the harshest situations, I can give myself meanings. I have choices on meanings I can give. I can give empowering or disempowering meanings. At certain stages of my life, I have asked others for what the meaning is and what they...
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[99] In Tune with the Infinite
Ralph Waldo Trine This book is about connecting to my higher source of wisdom and understanding. The concept of infinite intelligence. My ability to tap into something that I have access to, everybody has access to, and in this journey of life we cultivate ourselves to be able to understand, reveal, and reflect on how all the information that is available to me, and ever will be available to me, is accessed from within. My world is created from within, thus everything comes from within. In the ...
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[98] Acres of Diamonds
Russell H. Conwell I have in my awareness, right now, everything that I need to create the success that I want. The question is if I value it. The metaphorical story of Acres of Diamonds is that a man sold his land to go out in search of new opportunity for wealth. After struggling for years, he soon found that that the land that he sold was filled with diamonds. In other words, he had access to the opportunity, but because he did not take the time to really value what he had, to educate himse...
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[97] Feeling is the Secret
Neville Goddard The answer is always in front of my face. A lot of times I invest my time, energy, resources, and opportunity cost to go out into areas beyond my current scope of opportunity only to realize that when I produce results with that opportunity, that in retrospect the opportunity was always in front of my face. Life is a journey of gratitude and really valuing what I have Introduction He that would perfect himself in any art whatsoever, will let him betake himself to the reading ...
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[96] The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle The deeper the book, the more I will read it, the more I internalize it, the more I realize I don't understand it. The more I implement it, the more the book actually changes, or my awareness goes on to certain parts of it that I didn't grasp before because I was not ready for it yet I am not my mind My mind is an instrument, a tool. It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, I lay it down. As it is, I would say about 80 to 90 percent of most pe...
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[95] Transcendental Meditation
The Miracle Power of Transcendental Meditation // Anthony Norvell Specific forms of meditation, affirmations, and other miscellaneous lists numbered in the order that the book had them. Take the information as you will and take it one step at a time. There is a lot of information here; this should only excite you because of how much learning and progress there is to be made Always remember: At the end of the day, this is simply one person’s ideas, advice, and recommendations that I am helping ...
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[94] Secrets that Lie Hidden in my Subconscious Mind
Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill Releasing elements in my subconscious mind. Working with really deep elements of my subconscious mind to bring forth that what I truly desire. My vision is my own and I have the power within me to bring forth my vision by working with the power of my subconscious mind Neville Goddard So, when I know what I want, remain faithful to that assumption, and the assumption, though tat the moment it is denied by my senses, and denied by reason, if I persist in it, it w...
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[93] The Kybalion
The Three Initiates The Seven Hermetic Principles The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding. - The Kybalion The Principle of Mentalism The all is mind; the universe is mental The Hermetics teach that the great work of influencing one's environment is accomplished by mental power If the universe is mental, then mind must be the highest power affecting its phenomena. If this be understood then all the so-called "miracles" and "wonder-workings" are seen plainly for...
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[92] Letting Go of Inner-Resistance
Joseph Rodrigues The goal is to maintain an ideal state of mind; an identity or self-image that is in alignment with my vision. Along the journey of embodying that which I truly am, I may encounter inner-resistance. Inner-resistance affects my ability to maintain a flow-based journey to the destination. Whatever I need to do will reveal itself through inspiration. This inspiration is what I take and put into my projects to see them all the way to completion. During this, I may experience inner-...
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[91] What I want, wants me back
Neville Goddard Concept of Self Practice The conscious mind forms beliefs and opinions from the evidence of the senses or the perceived outer world The creative power within each of us accepts as true that which the conscious mind impresses upon it My creative power takes those ideas, which are thought of with feeling, and projects them in my outer world. It is important to remember that not all thoughts are creative Only those are believed to be true or which are joined with feeling creat...
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[90] Live in the End
Neville Goddard The creative word (Imagination) In the beginning was the word and the word was with the source and the word was source The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us The same creative word that created the universe, and sustains it, dwells in us. Therefore, "with God all things are possible," and therefore with man all things are possible. So, he states it in one book, "With God all things are possible" but in Mark he states it, "All things are possible to him," meani...
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[89] Eight Pillars of Prosperity
James Allen I become what I think about. How I determine reality to work is going to determine the thoughts and emotions that I have, the action or lack of action that I take, and inevitably the results that I get. While there are things outside of my control, I have a far greater influence of that which is within my control and all I have to do is increase my awareness and recognize that there's a lot of things that I'm just not looking at. First, I must have faith in the possibility that I ca...
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[88] Self-Image
Neville Goddard, Maxwell Maltz, David Hawkins When I align with my higher self-image, I experience reality in a more harmonious way. I have more joyous, collaborative relationships with other people, environments, and circumstances. I bring forth my vision, create my dream Neville Goddard The whole vast world is myself pushed out. All that I behold though appears without, it is within, in my own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow As I'm told, "unless...
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[87] Focus with Awareness
The Alchemist // Paulo Cuelo Rearranging the mind and having the mind reflect to rearrange reality. In other words, bringing forth a vision Mental Alchemy The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir James Allen A speculative philosophy will prove a shadowy thing in the time of calamity; a man must have the inward Wisdom which puts an end to gr...
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[86] How to Find my Real Self
Mildred Mann Taking the conscious and subconscious mind and adding the super conscious mind to the mix. I am more than I say I am. I am an identity that I have based off of some perception. I feel, think, and act a certain way and I have five senses that allow me to receive data. Now, the meaning that I give to this data and the meaning that others have told me to give to this data cause me to form conclusions. However, I have the sixth sense, the ability to go into the creative imagination, th...
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[85] Mind in Relationship with Imagination
Neville Goddard The 7 day mental diet revisited from a prosperity perspective in relation to my definite chief aim My Ideal + Ideal state of Mind (Garden of Mind) Now I will go back to the 2nd of Genesis. It is said "And God placed man in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Now when I read the story I think it happened thousands of years ago. I have come to tell you it is now. I am now in the garden of Eden and I think I am shut out or banished I am in it, and the garden is my ...
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[84] The Power of Awareness
Neville Goddard I can feel and sense my environment to be able to determine if what I am doing is in contribution to my definite chief aim Introduction The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished It cannot be emphasized too much that, by creating an ideal within my mental sphere, by assuming that I am already that ideal, I identify myself with it and thereby transform myself into its image He ca...
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[83] The Way of Peace
James Allen https://youtu.be/rBYeCFVRjvo Two ways of creating success. One from a place of force and one from a place of real power, the world within. Evolving thought within and have that externalize as ideal emotions, behaviors, and actions that reflect a state of mind that is in alignment with the definite chief aim The Power of Meditation Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is the mystic ladder which reaches from earth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to peace. ...
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[82] Everyone is Me Pushed Out
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/KXE9U6JIFtY Being in the world of effects, seeing that I am the effect of the world, to evolving over to the world of the cause. The higher the degree of cause based reality that I move into, the higher the magnitude of information, people, environment, and circumstance that appears in the outer world that reflects the understanding of this concept that everyone is me pushed out Premise Neville Goddard All that I behold, though it appears without it is wit...
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[81] How to Manifest my Desires
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/Pggs-XcxVlw If there is something tonight that I really want in this world, than experience in imagination what I would experience in the flesh were I to realize my goal, and then deafen my ears, and blind my eyes to all that denies the reality of my assumption Consciousness is the Only Reality I am incapable of seeing other than the contents of my own consciousness If I now become detached in consciousness from this room by turning my attention away from ...
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[80] Mind in Relationship with Imagination
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/KpHIXlO6w0U The feeling of the wish fulfilled. Embodying the end, living the end now, being it. How I believe myself to be in relation to whatever shows up on the five sensory experience as well as the vision is going to determine the journey and the realization of the vision The Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled A tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling The representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form Personification ...
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[79] The Garden of the Mind
Neville Goddard, Paramahansa Yogananda, Napoleon Hill We have one responsibility and that is the purification of mind. This is simplified by the different assumptions and beliefs that we have about ourselves and others and our relationship between the inner and outer world Visions of my ideal Paramahansa Yogananda The Creator, in taking infinite pains in shroud with mystery his presence in every atom of creation, could have had but one motive, a sensitive desire that men seek him only thro...
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[78] The Self-Confidence Formula
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/a2vysH7hxiU One of the most important things that we can have in life is belief in ourselves. The ability to look at current opportunities, circumstances, environments, and everything that I have and realize that I am sitting on my own acres of diamonds. When I see this, I realize a high degree of self-confidence I have, right now, the ability and opportunity to create whatever it is that I want in life. The only limiting factor that holds me back is faith in my...
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[77] Self-Image from Imagination to Embodiment
Joseph Rodrigues, Maxwell Maltz https://youtu.be/GzpkcXqsbSk Premise Maxwell Maltz A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment For imagination sets the goal "picture" which our automatic mechanism work on Persistent and Consistent Maxwell Maltz Skill in any performance whether it be in sports in playing the piano in conversation or in selling merchandise consists not in painfully and consciously th...
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[76] How to Maintain my Ideal State
Joseph Murphy https://youtu.be/rYdtSm61smU Further conversation on states of mind, as well as the two gifts of speech and mind. I recognize that all is mind, so I ask what is filling up this mind? It is filled with thoughts, specifically interpretation based on behavioral actions or lack of emotional interpretation Premise Reality is both inspiring and revealing at the same time I have relationships and resources which can inspire me through the five senses to integrate and produce result...
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[75] How to turn Reactivity into Proactivity
The Kybalion https://youtu.be/OFJyPFHiADE The journey to create what I desire, bringing forth success, I have experiences which I call reactivity to negativity, or reactive emotions that are within and undesirable. My goal is to understand why I am reacting and that most of my reactivity is based on beliefs that I have assumed through my experiences and internalized. I have the power to release and evolve these experiences to be more in alignment to experience proactivity Law of Polarity Th...
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[74] States & Identity
Joseph Rodrigues https://youtu.be/Vz2V4yKwFY4 I am Shapes Reality from Infinite States of Mind Identity as State I realize that I am moving through infinite states of potentiality and possibility in the already complete unseen reality This five sensory experience is a reflection of my chosen state Premise Maxwell Maltz A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment For imagination sets the goal 'picture...
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[73] Deeper into I Am
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/EiMTrYYt49w The Psychological Journey of Perspectives Premise Rollo May Consciousness of self gives us the power to stand outside the rigid chain of stimulus and response, to pause, and by this pause to throw some weight on either side, to cast some decision about what the response will be "I Am" Perspectives I Am is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I Am I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am, ...
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[72] Level Up my Faith in the Unseen Reality
Joseph Rodrigues https://youtu.be/HbaX7lREm9E I have the ability to create reality from the interpretations, the outer world, or creative imagination and allow that info to impress on the subconscious and create reality accordingly Faith in relation to my goals Learn to trust myself more. "inner voice" Develop a higher degree of faith in my imagination Reveal further insights and perspectives on what I am already learning, in relation to my journey and goals Neville Goddard All things exi...
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[71] Outwitting the Six Basic Fear "Devils"
Napoleon Hill & Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/euuFVB9upyo These fears really stem from the paramount fear which is being reactive to a person, environment, circumstance, or information that shows up in a way that takes me off my goal and brings me into a different direction that is not harmonious to what I want to create Premise Fear is the tool of a man-made devil. Self-confident faith in one's self is both the man-made weapon which defeats this devil and the man-made tool which bui...
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[70] Unwavering Inner Conviction
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/GfF7bkL9cAc The concept of imagination in relation to infinite states, as in infinite potentiality of imagination, as well as maintaining certainty done from a place of affirmation and conviction in relation to the eternal now Infinite States There are unnumbered states and the occupant of one state is not better than the occupant of another, for each is a brother in the highest unity and all are one in the body of God the Father But the state, the attitud...
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[69] How Law of Mind Works
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/GaN_dLVwvTs From the vision, the destination, the ideal outcome, that which I imagine, I experience what I call the journey. I have the journey, the journey to the destination (bridge of incidence) and the side of this journey (five to sixth sense integration) Premise Hermes Trismegistus, Corpus Hermeticum Things upon Earth, do not advantage those in Heaven; but all things in Heaven do profit and advantage all things upon Earth James Allen, The Heavenly L...
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[68] Naturalness to the Eternal Now
Joseph Rodrigues https://youtu.be/YlQbf6YjKNA It is important to maintain the ideal state of mind. The ideal state of mind is in harmony and in relation to the vision. As I maintain the ideal state of mind I am able to understand my experiences from the five sensory world and relate to the inner understanding, the sixth sense Divine Center, ideal state of mind (The Might of Meekness) James Allen He who has found Meekness has found divinity; he has realized the divine consciousness, and kn...
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[67] Discovering and Living the "True Self"
The All in One https://youtu.be/3bgI-03IMXc The journey of life is one of discovering who I really am and living who I really am through my creative expression, service to others, and desires fulfilled. Who I am meant to be and how I am meant to live is found within via intuition through a connect that I call the "higher self," or visions, aspirations, and innate desires to express in certain ways which bring me more into connection with what I call the "true self." Revealing the true self (H...
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[66] The Awakening of Me
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/QCbuig-RMsM As I remain loyal to the unseen reality via my inner speech, I mold this world into the image and likeness of the kingdom of love Bring forth "conscious" from subconscious Man must awake from the dream where he is simply an automaton He moves like a machine, then he begins to awake and when he awakes then he is not that man at all that he seemingly in the past played for eternity. He awakes into a new being, a new man The new man Now, the ne...
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[65] Intuitive Understanding & Accurate Thinking
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/68ZBOidmNHs Fluidity of mind: The ability to intuitively understand the different circumstances that I am experiencing on the day-to-day journey to bring forth my vision, as well accurately think about the thought processes that are brought forth, as well as reinterpret the experiences on the journey to be more in harmony and in alignment with my vision. This bring me to faith and conviction Premise When he can no longer bear the burden of his accumulated le...
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[64] My Creative Key to Power
Charles F. Haanel https://youtu.be/NuWnGACHZwg Master Key System The creative mind revealed through inner conversations Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in life are the result of my habitual or predominant mental attitude Mental attitude is relation to creative power via inner conversations The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what I think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession depends upon my method of thinking T...
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[63] Embracing Complexity as Original Simplicity
James Allen https://youtu.be/OxBuarltlj0 The All in All Beyond the subconscious mind is the subconscious realm, which is the all that exists. This pragmatically translates to the idea and key part of the philosophy that I have within myself infinite potentiality and infinite possibility because I was created in the image of the creator Premise Man evolves outward to the periphery of complexity, and then involves back to the Central Simplicity. When a man discovers that it is mathematically...
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[62] How to Persist in my Assumption
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/EWpkWvBlwns How to remain persistent internally in my inner world, subconsciously on the assumption that one day my definite chief aim will be realized. It is done from a place of real power which is the world within. Thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and outer world circumstances flow to the person that is in alignment with the assumption or the ideal outcome Imagination and Impression Man is only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination. Th...
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[61] Thought Vibration
William Walker Atkinson https://youtu.be/yQ0rSMHQxAI Deeper reflections on the Thought World I often hear repeated the well-known Mental Science statement, "Thoughts are Things," and I say these words over without consciously realizing just what is the meaning of the statement If I fully comprehend the truth of the statement and the natural consequences of the truth back of it, I should understand many things which have appeared dark to me, and would be just able to use the wonderful power...
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[60] 7 Lessons in Prosperity through Evolving Assumptions & Beliefs
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/C6zcjJsc6_o Reflect upon this key concept that my version of prosperity already exists right now. What's happening is I am moving on the journey which is revealing and inspiring me to evolve my assumptions and beliefs about the end result and have it externalize accordingly as the journey and the destination A multidimensional perspective on prosperity All is mine. Do not go seeking for that which I am. Appropriate it, claim it, assume it. Everything depends...
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[59] Expressing via Divine Will
Neville Goddard, Florence Scovel Shinn, James Allen https://youtu.be/dYBJttlBRAY Passive meditation is my meditative practice. Active meditation is maintaining that particular state through inner voice conversations, cause and effect reflection, environments, and ensuring that I keep the garden of the mind pure "The will to do comes from the knowledge that we can do." - James Allen I am the conduit that streams Infinite Intelligence. Intelligence flows through my being, supported by beliefs...
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[58] The Power of the Mastermind
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/QSNv0RG9v88 Mastermind "High Level" The "Mastermind" may be defined as: "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." A bringing together of different minds, different experiences, insights, perspectives, wisdom, and understanding together to contribute to each other and also the collective's definite chief aim Create a harmonious relationship between me, my team, and anyo...
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[57] How to "Live in the End" while Being Present to the Now
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/aJAThXfVpwE The state of mind that I am in determines my ability to understand and utilize the opportunities, resources, and what is in front of me as contributing to what I desire to create, and knowing the difference (wisdom) Be clear in my intent Let me imagine that I am seeing them in my mind's eye How do they see me? If what I am assuming is true, they should see me as I am seeing myself, and if they are friends, they should rejoice with me. So, let me ...
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[56] How to Find and Live my Purpose
Joseph Rodrigues https://youtu.be/Xp3sgu5MOHE One with Infinite Intelligence What is my purpose? Purpose adds meaning to my life and it is something that I am ever realizing as I accomplish the goals given to me by my "inner voice" which may also appear as inspirations via the outer world Purpose can be related to my profession or a service to others. Purpose can also be related to higher degrees of spiritual realizations which is also a service to others Since we are all individual express...
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[55] Unlocking the Power of my Affirmations
Louise Hay, Earl Nightingale, Joseph Murphy https://youtu.be/ZFTEuGwEjrc Louise Hay When I really love myself, everything in my life works Loving and approving of myself, creating a space of safety, trusting and deserving and accepting, will create organization in my mind, create more loving relationships in my life, attract a new job and a new and better place to live, and even enable my body weight to normalize. People who love themselves and their bodies neither abuse themselves nor other...
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[54] How to Reprogram my Subconscious Mind with "Self Talk"
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/Qwx8iKGHiMM Create a Definite Chief Aim When a man discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he acts unconsciously Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in me without my being aware of them. But as a civilized being, I must become aware of them and act with a purpose Impress the end result on my Subconscious Mind ...
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[53] I am Faith - The Conduit of Imagination
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/7E_bWkfR0tA The vision What I imagine, that I am. By my imagination, I have created this dream of life, and by my imagination I will re-enter that eternal world of light, becoming that which I am before I imaged the world As soon as I succeed in transforming myself, the world will melt magically before my eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which my transformation affirms If I have a goal, although it is unseen, it already exists. My normal mortal ey...
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[52] The Law of Success
Paramahansa Yoganananda https://youtu.be/NZRlO-Dz-zA Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness Introduction Is there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which I never dreamt? Is there a force that I can call upon to give health, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India teach that there is such a power. They have demonstrated the efficacy of truth principles that will work for me, too, if I give them...
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[51] Psycho-Cybernetics
Maxwell Maltz https://youtu.be/cQt4Tn473ok Conduct an accurate inventory and analysis of the contents of my self-image The self image is stored in the subconscious mind. I can alter the self-image and I can project outwards the self-image that is going to attract to us my intent and allow me to take action through the subconscious means to produce the results I want "Creative Imagination" is not something reserved for the poets, the philosophers, the inventors. It enters into our every act. ...
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[50] The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace Wattles https://youtu.be/KcdOK5PxZqA Summary at the end of the book condensed into eight main points. Focusing on the metaphysical and tangible steps towards acquiring monetary wealth There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought Insights Everything begins with an idea Ideas acted upon create ...
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[49] Dwelling In and From the End
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/jBNROkx68Qg 4D Inner Dialogue and Affirmations - Conscious reflection and conscious use of the two gifts that are speech and mind - One technique, sometimes referred to as the word, path, or way, is found primarily via my inner conversations - What I am reflecting upon in my experiences each day to recognize how the outer world experiences reflect my inner dialogue - Is it one of accuracy and love, spirit of harmony, benefit for us, oth...
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[48] Money Making Secrets - Educations-based Marketing
Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards by Mr. X https://youtu.be/xBHLt5NNUWc Education Based Marketing - The cornerstone of my marketing plan (according to Jay) should be to educate my client. I first educate them on my product or service - Take my customer by the hand - People need to be explicitly told how to act to obtain my product or service. Therefore, every sales call, letter, commercial, or personal contact should make the case for my product. Give prospe...
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[47] Money Making Secrets - Growing My Client Base
Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards by Mr. X https://youtu.be/xBHLt5NNUWc Growing my client base It is not new clients, but old clients, that are the key to growth and profitability My client relationships are the number one asset I have -I can secure customer relationships by: Keeping in touch, whether it be by telephone, mail, or in-person, all customers want to feel that they are special and that I take special interest in seeing their needs Providing post-purchase ...
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[46] Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You've Got
Jay Abraham https://youtu.be/qZLgf0JtEQs Learning sound business strategies that can be applied for growth in a way that's probably not what competitors are doing which is going to give me a very powerful and distinct advantage in the world of business. If I think like everybody else, then I'll get the same results as everybody else. For this reason, I must learn to think differently Think differently Industry A doesn't know anything about the methods industry B uses; correspondingly, indus...
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[45] The End Wills the Way
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/Po4hM9wN0rc Wu Wei is sometimes referred to as "effortless action," "action through action," or "knowing when to act and when not to act." WU WEI as Bridge of Incidents I am told, "Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you." Get first the consciousness of the things that I am seeking and leave the things alone I have belief, interpretations and assumptions that, if not in alignment with my vision, I have the power to change...
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[44] 7 Secrets from the Subconscious Mind in relation to your Vision
Elusive obvious of Success https://youtu.be/Ix8URJgytRU Screen of space (Five sensory world) Future is also experienced by habitual thinking and visual imagery. The subconscious mind reproduces these mental impressions and acceptances The habitual thinking and visual imagery that I hold in my mind right now represents itself as future outcomes The subconscious mind expresses on the screen of space what is accepted as "It is done." Through certain subconscious externalizations, I rise up in...
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[43] How to "Let Go" and Find "Inner Peace"
In Relation to my Goals/Vision/Success https://youtu.be/_XN98UQ-iHM Different circumstances and experiences can show up on the journey. I create an emotional attachment to these aspects which appear to bind me there, bring me to a place of stagnation, anger, frustration, and stress. I want to learn how to let go, in the inner world, the meaning that I give to those experiences to create inner peace surrounding that aspect. As a result, I find the relevant pathway, the step forward. Release the...
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[42] Self-Control
Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/uUEHEFWtI5Q Premise Self-control is solely a matter of thought control Most of my thoughts is a revelation of what is in my identity Picture myself as the ideal self, as having already achieved my definite chief aim, would I still be having these same thoughts? Would I still be having these same emotions? Would I still be doing these same behaviors? If the answer is No, then I reflect back and I realize that the reason why it is not so is becau...
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[41] How to Be More Resourceful (Mental Alchemy)
The Kybalion https://youtu.be/QbGK019UxhU My True Nature The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." - Joseph Campbell When "ideas" of fear are released from the cave of my subconscious mind, light shines on the treasures that were always there Mental Transmutation I am in my true essence, resourceful I learned how to be unresourceful through conditioning. I have to remind myself of my innate resourcefulness in order to unlearn the idea that I am unresourceful "Transmutat...
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[40] How to Listen to your "Inner Voice"
Speak with your Higher Self https://youtu.be/zO0-R7hkBnI Premise Lacking a connection with my inner self can make me feel overwhelmed by complexity. It is easy to become overwhelmed in our world if I cannot differentiate what is valuable and resident to me and applicable to my definite chief aim I need not seek out more information than what is necessary since the inner voice is one of simplicity, flow, harmony, and in alignment with bringing forth my definite chief aim Commit to evolving ...
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[39] The Science of Being Great
Wallace D. Wattles https://youtu.be/yAU66qiZXGs Ikigai This means I am doing what: I love to do The world needs I am good at I can get paid for There is a Principle of Power in me; if I use it and apply it in a certain way I can overcome all heredity, and master all circumstances and conditions and become a great and powerful personality Greatness in all individuals and building a relationship with my inner voice reveals my greatness Facts that exist in the external world that hinder ...
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[38] Bridge of Incidents
Neville Goddard & Charles Haanel https://youtu.be/sCyaPycT_6s The series of events that happen in-between the imaginal act and the manifestation/materialization of it People, environment, circumstance, information presents itself in the screen of space, this is what I call the bridge of incidents These occur in sequence according to the laws of the universe to bring forth what I desire I must catch myself giving power to the external world, where I become reactive and add unnecessary dis...
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[37] What you Imagine, Imagines you
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/OgKj3FQYnEY Premise As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth-dimensional Self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization I know of no clearer definition of the means by which I realize my desires than to experience in the imagination what I would experience in the flesh were I to achieve my goal The Fourth-Dimensional Self There are two actual outlooks on the world possessed by everyone- a ...
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[36] The Duel Nature of Consciousness
The One in All https://youtu.be/wXv13ANqy24 Neville Goddard The One consciousness which includes subconscious and conscious A clear concept of the dual nature of man's consciousness must be the clear basis of all true prayer. Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of objective consciousness The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary action. The sub...
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[35] Law of Assumption Deep Dive
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/9FGcQ9tV130 The Law of Assumption deeply reflected upon Consciousness That I may not be misunderstood, let me again lay the foundation of this principle Consciousness is the one and only reality I am incapable of seeing other than the contents of my own consciousness I see this journey as my own creation and I realize that I am the one that is interpreting it Realize that so much interpretation is subconscious Creation is finished and I have free will to ...
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[34] Turning Mind into Matter
The Power of Faith and Belief https://youtu.be/o-U36fZOtpo Premise Belief An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists Faith Complete trust or confidence in something You Are The Placebo - Dr. Joe Dispenza What is faith but when I believe in thought more than anything else? Isn't it when I accept a thought- independent of the conditions in my environment- and then surrender to the outcome to such a degree that I live as if my prayers were already answered? Sounds l...
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[33] Revealing the Quantum Leap State of Mind to Multiply your Success
Revealing the Quantum Leap https://youtu.be/xvIT8BVLWqA Transcend deeply rooted limited beliefs "No man is a success in business unless he loves his work." Florence Scovel Shinn Further elevate my Self-confidence The Self-Confidence Formula by Napoleon Hill I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promises to render such action The dominat...
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[32] Let go of Limiting Beliefs via Involution
Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs to dwell IN and FROM my Vision https://youtu.be/MV2t5OZt348 Stages of Involution (Autotelic) The Hermetic Teachings concerning the process of the Mental Creation of the Universe, are that at the beginning of the Creative Cycle, THE ALL, in its aspect of Being, projects its Will toward its aspect of "Becoming" and the process of creation begins This process is called the stage of Involution, in which The All becomes "involved," or "wrapped up," in its creation T...
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[31] How to Make Our Mental Pictures Come True
George Schubel https://youtu.be/aFuxdLya6Zs I want to consciously work with my imagination; consciously stimulate by asking the question "Why I want what I want," and use that to further visualize and dimensionalize my experience I have reference experiences of different attributes that relate to what I desire to bring fort I use those attributes in my visualization as I start to notice to the degree that I do this the outer world five sensory experience, behaviors, and so forth rearrangin...
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[30] Outwitting the Doubt
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/KqXs-kZ3kmY Premise Transcendence is the act of rising above to an elevated state When I achieve transcendence, I have gone beyond ordinary limitations, or self-imposed limitations, or limitations of the past, or limitations of the interpretations of others based on experiences that they've had that I may identify with "Every battle is won before it is ever fought" Sun Tzu Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality. Unseen being in my imagination and rea...
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[29] How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking
Dale Carnegie https://youtu.be/aGD_Q2NzeCs There is a cybernetic loop here: When I improve my ability to speak publicly through influential ways, by influencing others to take action, I improve my self-confidence. When my self-confidence goes up, my ability to influence and speak publicly goes up as well Intro The gaining of self-confidence and courage, and the ability to think calmly and clearly while talking to a group is not one-tenth as difficult as most people imagine. It is not a gift ...
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[28] How to Tune your "Inner Voice" to "Infinite Intelligence"
Joseph Rodrigues https://youtu.be/hvTszxs9ImM Introduction I ask "Who am I really?" Upon reflection, I realize that the self-image or who I am may or may not be in alignment with who I really want to be. I then form this concept called "Higher-self." This higher self represents who I aspire to be: My true self. This is revealed to me through inner voice; hunches, inspirations, visions, or conversations with myself As I live more as the higher self, I realize that there's a lot of programmin...
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[27] Think and Grow Rich "Vibration"
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/ibRqKrhVsYE Introduction I am "The Master of my Fate, the Captain of my Soul" - Ernest Henley I have the power to control my thoughts, which have a certain vibration based on it's emotion He should have told us that the ether in which this little earth floats, in which we move and have our being, is a form of energy moving at an inconceivably high rate of vibration, and that the ether is filled with a form of universal power which Adapts itself to the nature ...
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[26] Think and Grow Rich Chp 15
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 15: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear Before I can put any portion of this philosophy into successful use, my mind must be prepared to receive it. The preparation is not difficult. It begins with study, analysis, and understanding of three enemies which I shall have to clear out. These are Indecision, Doubt, and Fear! The Sixth Sense will never function while these three negatives, or any of them remain in my mind. The members of this unh...
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[25] Think and Grow Rich Chp 13,14
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 13: The Brain More than twenty years ago, the author, working in conjunction with the late Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, and Dr. Elmer R. Gates, observed that every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought Through the medium of the ether, in a fashion similar to that employed by the radio broadcasting principle, every human brain is capable of picking up vibrations of thought which are being releas...
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[24] Think and Grow Rich Chp 11,12
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter Chapter 11: The Mystery of Sex Transmutation The meaning of the word "transmute" is, in simple language, the "changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another." The emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind Because of ignorance on the subject, the state of mind is generally associated with the physical, and because of improper influences, to which most people have been subjected, in acquiring knowledge of se...
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[23] Think and Grow Rich Chp 9,10
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 9: Persistence Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting Desire into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is the Power of Will Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair. Men who accumulate great fortunes are generally known as cold-blooded, and sometimes ruthless. Often they are misunderstood. What they have is will-power, which they mix with persistence, and place back o...
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[22] Think and Grow Rich Chp 7,8
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 7: Organized Planning If the first plan which I adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan, if this new plan fails to work, replace it, in turn with still another, and so on, until I find a plan which Does Work. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their lack of Persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail I need persistence with organized planning. ...
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[21] Think and Grow Rich Chp 5,6
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 5: Specialized Knowledge There are two kinds of knowledge. One is general, the other is specialized. General knowledge, no matter how great in quantity or variety it may be, is of but little use in the accumulation of money. The faculties of the great universities possess, in the aggregate, practically every form of general knowledge known to civilization. Most of the professors have but little or no money. They specialize on teaching knowle...
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[20] Think and Grow Rich Chp. 3,4
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ Chapter 3: Faith Faith is the head chemist of the mind. When Faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer Thoughts that I have in my subconscious mind programs my subconscious mind. My subconscious mind has a paradigm pointing me towards failure or success. It determines the act...
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[19] Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/nR2SuK_kglQ The goal here is to place myself in success consciousness as much as possible throughout my days so that I can see more opportunities, so I can execute upon more opportunities, so I can do it with greater joy and passion, to create the results that I want Success comes to those who are success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious The object of this book is to help all who seek it, to lear...
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[18] The Secret Door to Success
Florence Scovel Shinn https://youtu.be/7KT_11dI9zI The Road to Success The road to success is a straight and narrow path; it is a road of loving absorption and undivided attention. But where is our attention being assigned based on our assumptions within? The man who achieves success has the fixed idea of success. If it is founded on a rock of truth and rightness it will stand If not, it is built upon sand and washed into the sea, returning to its native nothingness Every day examine my co...
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[17] Dollars Want Me
Henry Harrison Brown https://youtu.be/U6ocwY8k-KE With a certain rearrangement of the mind, I realize that all actually wants me. This realization leads to inner-harmony or harmonious mental attitude Harmony The prevalent attitude is want for the Dollar, belief that Dollars are power. This must be outgrown and the attitude must be that All Power is in Man Dollars are machines with power delegated to them by man They are useless Without man. Dollars Want Me! Is to be the thought of the "Comi...
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[16] Subconscious Mind + Auto-Suggestion = Creative Imagination
Napoleon Hill https://youtu.be/lk-c_W5F1Fg This help brings myself into working with the concept of auto suggestion to stimulate my creative imagination. I'm able to bring forth success in ways that reveal infinite intelligence within. Subconscious Mind Contained within the subconscious mind is the self-image, the core beliefs, and how I interpret this five sensory experience I have but three principles to bear in mind, and to apply, when I wish to use my broadcasting station - the Subconsc...
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[15] The Strangest Secret
Earl Nightingale https://youtu.be/IeaBfM3TdHQ Take 100 men all starting even at the age of 25 and any one man would want success with an interest in adventure. But by the time they are 65, one will be rich, four will be financially independent, five will still be working, fifty-four will be broke. Out of the 100, only five make the grade. Why do so many fail? Why is there such a large disparity between what the men intended to do and what they actually accomplished? If we want to achieve suc...
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[14] The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Change my thoughts, and I change my destiny Joseph Murphy https://youtu.be/bywvxEK9iwE My conscious mind and subconscious mind Conscious The watchman at the gate, protect my subconscious mind from false impressions, my thinking mind I have the power to choose. I can choose to develop a wonderful personality. My thoughts, imagines in my mind, how I feel about those thoughts and imagines, all imprint itself on the subconscious mind through repetition and the subconscious mind is going to cre...
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[13] Maintaining your Ideal State of Mind
Neville Goddard https://youtu.be/coCESvTyueA The Premise Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. - Steve Jobs Attitudes of mind represent states of mind A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which I live by My life experiences are a result of a state of mind There are infinite states of mind; they can be suggested by the external world or they can be affirmed within I can move into any state, but the chances are I...
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[12] Social Memory Complex
We must evolve https://youtu.be/5rbMXv9gWhE 2 polarities in the universe to which consciousness can evolve: The positive polarity and the negative polarity The Social memory complex (SMC) occurs in both densities beginning in the fourth density, although the functionality of the complex differs dramatically between the two polarities Most SMC's are of the positive polarity due to the simpler nature within the service to others path It's simpler because of the orientation towards love and ...
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[11] Unwavering Focus
Recalibrating the mind: Evolving perspectives, values, beliefs, and identity within to the point where I have automatic focus on all that is harmonious to what I create Neville Goddard & Paramahansa Yogananda https://youtu.be/_PxWpNVFSKE I have desires, but first I must understand my desires. My desires determine where my focus goes In order to have unwavering focus, I must take inventory of the different distractions and the different meaning I give to different people, environment, cir...
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[10] How to Materialize Your Dreams
Extract by Paramahansa Yogananda https://youtu.be/WD796kqo1Ck A large part of the materialization of my external world is done subconsciously Concentration, awareness, and presence on the kind of information that I'm taking in is going to impact and perform in a way that will materialize It's not just the information that I'm taking in that molds my subconscious mind, but it's the meaning and feeling that I'm giving to that information I want to ensure that I'm taking into my subconscious ...
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[9] What to Say when you Talk to Yourself
Book Written By Shad Helmstetter https://youtu.be/Zm5J_Y-F1xU What I say to myself and how I communicate programs my brain Great for programming or reprogramming my subconscious mind Why would I want to reprogram my subconscious mind? • If I don't consciously program my mind, then I allow others to program it • Programming my subconscious mind to believe reality to work a certain way and the actions begin to flow from me I must believe that this work is possible It makes no differ...
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[8] How to Break Free from the Ego
The Matrix is the programs of my egoic conditioning which I have been unconsciously enslaved to https://youtu.be/Vq6_AFPpNzU The Matrix is a system of automated triggers which cause me to perceive, think, and react in ways that, at my core, I don't truly want to The awareness that I've been trapped in a psychic software program called the ego is actually the freedom from it The moment I am aware of it, the program loses it's influence because it is dependent on my unconscious belief in orde...
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[7] Mental Harmony Through Lifestyle
Develop the Autotelic Personality through Uncertainty https://youtu.be/wxUXart4Cfo "Self-Image" Transformation is Change in Form, Nature, and Substance The Great Work is consistent purification of the mind into a deeper relationship with the Higher Self, through being in harmony with the laws of nature and creation We all know where we are going and the higher self reveals visions, goals, inspirations, the heart desires of who we aspire to become As I evolve the concept of my self within, ...
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[6] How to Change my Paradigm
Why and How to Change my Paradigm First, what is my paradigm? A paradigm is a mental framework containing all that I have subconsciously accepted to be true about myself and reality which automatically externalizes as my reality experience Further, A paradigm reaffirms itself as interpretations of people, environment, circumstance, and information. Overall, a paradigm creates my experience with the outer world "What is seen is made out of things that do not appear. Faith does not give rea...
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[5] Shadow Work 1
Healing the Shadow https://youtu.be/0VQyTGS3Bh0 Shadow work can be summarized as changing my perception of myself We are taught that it is not acceptable to feel certain things and because it is in our nature to want acceptance, we reject and suppress these feelings within us as a means to help us earn love Whatever aspects of myself that are seen to block me from receiving love are banished into the realms of my subconscious where they become a part of my shadow side When an aspect of my...
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[4] As a Man Thinketh 5-7
As a Man Thinketh by Earl Nightingale I listened too and read James Allen's essays and compiled a list of my takeaways. These essays were written one hundred years ago but they still hold true. http://www.ldiworld.com/uploads/1/0/8/0/10808754/as_a_man_thinketh_web_version.pdf https://youtu.be/61d9DKDrMT8 Chapter 5 The Thought-Factor in Achievement The dreamers are the saviors of the world Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty th...
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[3] As a Man Thinketh 1-4
As a Man Thinketh by Earl Nightingale I listened too and read James Allen's essays and compiled a list of my takeaways. These essays were written one hundred years ago but they still hold true. http://www.ldiworld.com/uploads/1/0/8/0/10808754/as_a_man_thinketh_web_version.pdf https://youtu.be/61d9DKDrMT8 Chapter 1 Thought and Character If man thinks he may like to unmake the atom, he does. If he thinks of living in the depths of the oceans, going to the moon, or voyaging in outer space, he...
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[2] Mental Diet
21 Day Mental Diet Fusion of Neville Goddard & Emmet Fox's work https://youtu.be/AH7axVEDl3I The Key to the Mental Diet If disempowering information shows up, do not dwell upon it. It is not my thoughts that come to me that matter, but only such of them that I choose to entertain and dwell upon. The end goal is turning this into more than a 21 day challenge, but into a lifestyle. This may seem difficult at first, but over time it gets easier and will become autotelic, which is the goal. I...
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[1] How to Read a Paper
S. Keshav. 2007. How to read a paper. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 37, 3 (July 2007), 83–84. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/1273445.1273458 How to Read a Paper The main idea is breaking the reading of a particular paper down into three passes. Each pass through the paper should include more of the paper's specific details and give the reader and overall clearer understanding of the paper's message, author's intentions, and the implications moving forward. 1st pass First, you want to gain a gene...
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