[6] How to Change my Paradigm

Why and How to Change my Paradigm

First, what is my paradigm?

A paradigm is a mental framework containing all that I have subconsciously accepted to be true about myself and reality which automatically externalizes as my reality experience

Further, A paradigm reaffirms itself as interpretations of people, environment, circumstance, and information. Overall, a paradigm creates my experience with the outer world

"What is seen is made out of things that do not appear. Faith does not give reality to things that are not seen. It is loyalty to reality that makes things appear. Can I see the facts the world sees and still believe in the unseen state? If I can remain loyal to the unseen state, in some way I will get confirmation of it"

  • Neville Goddard

If I can still believe in my unseen state, yet not deny the facts of the world, then I'll start to see the outer world reflect the unseen state

The paradigm is a subconscious accumulation of interpretations of the different experiences that I have or the information that presents itself from the outer world and my interpretation of it

  • To change the paradigm is to further affirm the state that I desire to see
    • This means evolve my perspectives based on what shows up to see it as affirmative and in contribution with what I desire to create

Paradigm is revealed through polarity

  • There are varying degrees of interpretation between two polarities that I can assign to different experiences that I have
    • I assign based on my paradigm, which is based on my past experiences
    • To evolve past the paradigm, I must first understand that I am assigning nuance degree of interpretation between a spectrum onto what I am experiencing to reveal where my attention is going based on my reactivity
    • I have the power to choose rather than allow myself react to something in the outer world that polarizes me
    • However, it is not the outer world thing that polarizes me, but it’s the meaning form within a lot of times subconsciously stored in the paradigm
  • When I catch myself reacting to negative, I must choose consciously in the beginning and allow it to internalize as subconscious paradigm to automatically experience reality form that perspective of how I choose to experience it

Evolving past old paradigms

  1. Thinking the same way can result in thinking harder the same way
    • The paradigm is recreating itself as the experience in reality
    • Despite trying harder, I am still creating force in the same line of thinking
    • Change can be instantaneous through a radical paradigm shift or gradual cause and effect reflection or a combination of both
    • Stay open and respond rather than react with the goal of changing my mind from rigidity to fluidity which allows myself to see different routes to pursue
  2. Move into a different state of mind and think from there
    • Consume the same info from different perspectives
    • Change the environment that bypasses fear, doubt, and indecision which can bind me in the current paradigm
  3. Intuition guides me into behavioral and environmental change by bypassing overthinking
    • Overthinking can lead to stagnation, which is a form of affirming the current paradigm
    • Whenever I have a desire and I want to express it through a period of creation, I have hunches and inspiration that break me from one paradigm to the next: I must learn to trust it ##Think: What would it be like if it were true? What would I be doing?
    • If no, then I must remember that I am not affirming that way of being
    • If I continue to assume that what I desire will be brought forth, then my intuition will guide me to inspired action and things will begin to change on it's own
    • Being autotelic means unwavering light hearted focus which is what I want to evolve to
    • This is the outcome when I am in a paradigm that I desire to create
    • Always proceed boldly without force and stress in order to transcend fear #Proceed boldly to bypass doubt
    • The Sixth Sense (autotelic connection with intuition) will never function while these three negatives, or any of them remain in my mind. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand: Indecision, Fear, and Doubt
    • "INDECISION is the seeding of FEAR! Indecision crystalizes into DOUBT, the two blend and become FEAR! The "blending" process often is slow. This is one reason why these three enemies are so dangerous. They germinate and grow without their presence being observed" - Napoleon Hill
    • Move forward before fear appears to have a grip of me
    • Make the bold move at indecision: This is the "hack" to alter the paradigm
  4. We further grow by learning how to "receive" the answers within
    • The whole purpose of this is to realize that I am the cause of my reality; that I have the answers within
    • "Be as if" I am already living in the end and do the thing that I know I have to do

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