Tea Entry #3: Jasmine Tea (Failed)

Today I made Jasmine Tea!

I used loose-leaf jasmine flower buds to make my brew. I put three tablespoons of jasmine flower buds into my tea infuser, boiled the water to 85 degrees Celsius, and let the water and flower buds simmer for five minutes. The result? A majestic hue of yellow—a color similar to that of chamomile tea!

Excited, I took a quick sip of the tea. And? It tasted... a bit bland. Maybe I didn't add enough jasmine flower buds, but up until now, I've added three tablespoons of loose leaves for all my brews. I wasn't getting a floral taste, just a slightly bitter one. It was like an overly watery Americano—not the taste I was looking for.

My worst mistake was trying to literally and figuratively 'spice' things up. I added one and a half tablespoons of cinnamon. Bad idea. Half of the cinnamon clumped into little clusters and floated on top of the tea, while the other half sank to the bottom. I tried to fix this by mixing it for a minute but to no avail. Moreover, the cinnamon overpowered any flavor of the jasmine tea, making it virtually just cinnamon water.

Usually, I would try to find out more about the tea, but today was a bit disappointing. I'm hoping to try it out again in the future, and I will reattempt making jasmine tea.

It was a little disheartening that today it was... well, pretty bad. I wouldn't wish that cinnamon concoction on my worst enemy. But I guess you win some and lose some. The overall lesson of the day? Never add cinnamon to jasmine tea again. Terrible idea.

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