Discipleship and Obedience - Brethren ideal 1

From the earliest Brethren, and even in Pietism and AnaBaptism roots, these two concepts, with the focus being on the New Testament, existed at the core. The Brethren believe true faith will bring forth true obedience, and a faith which does not produce such obedience is no faith at all. When many, who claim Christianity, live lives and possess actions which are antithesis of the Scriptures, the Brethren would, or should, wonder if true faith is even found. We are saved by faith, and faith demands obedience to our Master. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote a book titled, "Cost of Discipleship". There is an updated version from John Walker titled, "Costly Grace". I would recommend both works.

Through the act of faith, our salvation moves us to these two concepts of faith. Discipleship is the act of learning from someone else. The beginner electrician, plumber, welder, etc. usually follows and learns from a master in that craft. The master is the teacher, the student the disciple. Jesus had His disciples who followed, learned, and grew. From these disciples, the Holy Spirit led and inspired them and many other writers, to write what we call the Bible. This was preserved by God and we can read what God has for us and wants from us.

Christians are called to be disciples. It is no good to be a disciple if obedience is not followed. While discipleship is learning, growing, and maturing in our knowledge of the things of God, obedience is the putting it to practice. The living it out aspect. Here is where the practical aspect becomes important. A Christian who says they believe in God and trusts Him, then lies and cheats to get ahead, is not living their faith practically. This can be said about human sexuality, abortion, and even who we support for office. No aspect of our existance is left untouched by these two truths.

The practice of our faith shows us the outworking of our discipleship in our heart. This is why Brethren were frustrated with the creedal churches. Brethren understood the importance, and power of the Scriptures. This is why they centered so much around it. If one reads the History of the Brethren, and even before, it is very easy to see how they were mercilessly hunted and persecuted for their faith in God's Word and obedience to it.

Two examples: 1) Michael Sattler was tortured, and he and his wife were murdered for their faith. 2) Balthasar Hubmaier, a stronger theologian than John Calvin, along with his wife were killed. Why? They held to these key things: Believers Baptism only, rejecting infant baptism, upholding nonresistance, rejecting the belief of communion being the literal blood and body of Christ, rejecting oaths, and practicing love feasts. We could continue with Alexander Mack, John Nass, John Kline, and many others. They were disciples of Christ and obeyed what they read.

Many today claim they follow and desire to follow Jesus. There are several markers showing otherwise. There is a form of discipleship but they are moving toward a universal blending of religion. New Age Mysticism, Eastern Religions, the Bible, and “wise” guru type writings start to take on equal weight and importance. It was stated, when looking at a document on peace, that the Bible and Gandhi were equal in the writings. 4 more ways as evidence, especially in the COB:

1) A prayer retreat was ran and New Age Mysticism and Buddhism was mixed with prayer including the chanting of a single word, building, painting, or drawing symbols while one is praying, and lastly the breathing and clearing of mind techniques.

2) The educational system is rift with concepts of flowery, inclusive and swelling words with no meaning other than to sound intellectual and cutting edge. Look at Bethany Theological Seminary at the following programs for evidence: Theopoetics and their new BOLD program. These and many other courses may sound great but is far from what true discipleship and obedience is.

3) The focus is no longer on the Word of God but on the collective understanding as it feels for each individual.

4) Obedience and discipleship to Jesus is great, if it matches the Jesus created in the mind of the individual or group. To counter that is to be the enemy, in their minds.

See the issue? It is fine to be a disciple of Jesus when He says to love. But call out sin? Now that is a no go. With the loss of discipleship, no wonder the loss of obedience to the Word of God. This lack of Biblical authority is why the Covenant Brethren Church (CBC) was formed and is growing. The CBC has done a great job bringing the focus back to the Bible, making it central to all things being done. God's Word is restored to its full place of authority and power, where it should be. All writing is subjected to God's Word. Every idea put forth by man is weighed against the Holy Scriptures.

Many modern churches, both Brethren and none, for all the claims of discipleship, have none and expect no obedience to God's Word. The mantra is, "Come as you are." While there is truth to this call, Jesus does not leave people where they are. “Go and sin no more” rings His command. There is an expectation of following Him toward Holiness and Righteousness.

These churches say they want discipleship, but the discipleship given is designed to help keep the people happy and coming. Their actions, and church services speak of a gathering bereft of any true Biblical teaching and even less of Biblical leading. This is why the likes of Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyers, Beth Moore, and countless others are able to steal from the flock of God with false teaching. The flock under them is malnourished! Pietism is an important part of discipleship and obedience.

These services are more like social clubs, concerts, motivational speeches, and a self indulged personal uplifting. The true church recognizes the importance of discipleship and obedience, even when it is hard. This is why Jesus says the cost of discipleship must be counted and weighed. An article, written by Nathan West and is found in the BRF Witness Vol. 58, NO. 6 2023, says,

"One of the values that has historically set the Brethren apart from other denominations is a desire to reflect Scripture in every aspect of life...So while the Brethren believed it was important to live out the New Testament in.a practical sense, the motivation behind their actions was just as important as the way they chose to relate to God and one another.”

It is not that Brethren just believe, they literally practice the Word in life, or should. Discipleship and obedience cannot happen when the Bible is always subjective and open to, "What do you think this verse is saying" type Bible studies. From here, it can then take on meaning and tones never intended and all manner of sin can be excused.

Discipleship and obedience cannot be separated from one another. If one does not exist the other falls. Church as a whole has shifted from a knowledgeable, theologically rich depth, to one of feelings, emotionalism, and a self focused worship. We, as the sheep, become the honorable object, Jesus, the Shepherd, responds to us on our terms. Who really is God then?

The Brethren have the answer for this decline and it starts with discipleship and obedience. The question is how many, including those who have Brethren in the name, will actually follow this powerful value? Sadly, not many.

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