Restitution: Brethren Value 2

What is meant by restitution today is nothing more than equivocating the definition of restoring. It has become a key word for legalized theft based on skin color. When the word "restitution" is used, what is meant is reparations. We, usually those who are white, according to them, have systematically oppressed others (often those of black, Hispanic, or some other non-white skin colored) and must step aside, give place and prominence, repent of our "whiteness" and restore to them from ourselves. This is nothing more than theft, and should be outright tossed. But that is not what we mean.

What is meant by the traditional Brethren is that of restoration. The desire is to restore the church to the first century. The Brethren look upon the actions, activities, and leaders of modern churches with a wary eye, seeing more teaching of intersectionality, wokeness, cultural relevancy, philosophy, and cultural relevancy, not the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospels. Much of what is passed off as Bible or doctrine, finds roots in man's tradition. Abuses form and many are hurt or destroyed by the “church”. Instead of seeing the error of their teaching, they walk away, and never return. The other direction taken is that of becoming an occult which destroys the body of Christ from within.

What about the simple faith in the Bible? Jesus' teachings? Living as He commands? The church displaying in action what is laid out in the New Testament? There are, of course, some who then argue against pastors, church buildings, a more “free will” type organizational structure. True, the early church met in homes but consider the following:

1) They really had no where else.

2) It was to build up the body of faith, disciple, and duplicate.

3) There were set leaders

4) There was a set instructions of how a service flowed.

5) Never did the home church meet due to dissatisfaction of a different group.

6) The home church never isolated themselves from the greater body of Christ.

7) The home church practice was not a strike against a formal church.

Stop and consider home churches today:

1) Usually started by one who is angry at their local church.

2) Emphasizes the INDIVIDUAL over the corporate.

3) Becomes a standard to themselves and moves into a click or occult.

4) casts down any good done by local bodies of believers.

5) Often never duplicate or spread beyond.

6) Little to no thought on the function of their operation, rather becoming a fundamental support for the one who started it.

7) Often violates Scripture by not having anything done decently and in order.

8) Rejects any “official education” regardless of how good or deep it is.

9) the home churches tend to break apart because of issues, emotions, and wills, so new “churches” start only to repeat the process.

10) Home churches have a strong disdain for any higher authority and reject accountability to anyone but themselves. Often saying they only need the Bible (which while true in some ways, God did give a structure and leadership to help the church to grow). Through this, they do not add to, or help increase the Body of Christ, but seek their own growth and path separate from the greater body of Christ.

11) The leaders, many times, are not gifted as a teacher, do very bad teaching, and teach errors. When they are shown the truth, they reject the correction and consider it “bad” because it came from an institutional school.

Talk to someone who is immersed in a home church. There is often anger, bitterness, and rejection of the greater body of Christ. Are their benefits? absolutely and in some countries and areas, a necessity for home churches. But see why the home church formed and how its structured. Brethren are not adverse to small local gatherings, but what about the common goal of being united for the cause of Christ and building HIS Kingdom in whatever form that takes? Home churches often shun the wider church body and cause harm.

Brethren, in the restitution want the Body of Christ to return to songs, hymns, doctrine, sharing of meals, care for the sick, elderly, and down trodden, teaching and witnessing. It is when a lot of other stuff is added that it becomes something we are weary of. An example is our giving. We are called and encouraged to give in the scriptures. What do we do when giving becomes a main event in the services? Jesus said to not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Modern churches make a show, speeches, and whole discussions right before the collection. Questionable at best. Others teach the false prosperity gospel which hinges on the giving. Dangerous at worst.

We as Brethren would reject all of this false teaching and operations as heretical. We would watch, discerningly, how the different out-workings of faith show themselves and measure them up to the Scriptures. Restitution desires a church that looks and functions as close to the New Testament as possible. A good balance would be the local church and the home church gleaning off each other. The home church learning, submitting to and falling under the auspice of the local church as a church plant. The local church realizing the benefits and the desires of those who attend a home church in the first place, if those reasons are holy and good. We do not want to throw out the some good home churches because of majority bad home churches, but neither should the good home church cast aside the good institutional church because of the bad ones.

If the desire is an authentic and powerful desire for true worship, to glorify God, build His kingdom, and to reach out and share the Gospel, there is a place for each one. Brethren desire a true and authentic worship as well. Therefore, home churches do not hold a monopoly on this but both should be working hand in hand, if they are following the Bible, and seeking the growth of the Kingdom of God, for the Glory of God.

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