9.3.23 - Strength

Warm Up:

  1. Crawling Series.
  2. Run Series.


  1. 10 yard sprints
    • 8 total reps
      • 4 head on (2 each lead leg)
      • 4 lateral start (2 each way)
    • Max rest between reps

Lift Prep:
1.a. Banded Neck Rotations 2 x 10 ea.
b. Band Pull Apart 2 x 12
c. KB/DB Armbar 2 x 5 ea.
2.a. S/L Foam Roller Glute Bridge 2 x 10 sec. ea.
b. Med Ball Adductor Plank 2 x 10 sec ea.
c. Foam Roller Spanish Squat 2 x 10

Lift Main:
1.a. RDL W/U. Increase weight to a 4 rep set with (1-3 RIR)
2.a. RDL. 4 x 4 at working weight
b. Med Ball Skater Hops. 4 x 5 ea.
2.a. DB Zercher RFESS. 3 x 6/6/6 (iso/rep/iso)
b. DB Chest Supported Row. 3 x 6/6/6 (iso/rep/iso)

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