Descriptive Writing Picture Response

  • Donkey Image

In the foreground of this image is a dark brown coloured donkey. The donkey stands looking behind the camera man as if it would collapse at any second at the sight of the way down. The background of the image shows two rocky mountains as high as the clouds. On the mountains is a bit of green but mostly brown dirt covered in rocks. The white dispersed clouds cover the bright blue sky. The smell in the image seems fresh but the wind rustles around my ears. The blow and whistle of the wind make the long distance communication difficult like talking over a concert playing. The donkey seems to be holding the huge amount of luggage up firmly just like its a feather but the sharp rocks are uncomfortable on its feet. The luggage consists of all type of personal belongings just like someones moving house over the Himalayas. The boxes, materials and more household belongings are strapped on the donkeys back and side stacked up like a double-decker bus.

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