Writing a dialogue based on a picture

Take a look at the image below.
In your imagination, please your two characters, created earlier, using character sheets, in this location.
Again, using your imagination, try to ‘listen’ to what they might say to each other? What are they worried about? What are they doing? Where are they going or where did they come from? Is there a tension between them, and if so, what is the problem?
Write up your dialogue using play script format. You should either look this up, or just look at a published play.


Wilson Miles
What are you doing round here?

Fernando Carson
I am just walking towards the town over to the right in the distance?

Wilson Miles
Have you walked far and are you from around here ....?

Fernando Carson
Oh, my name is Fernando. No, well depends what you call far, I've walked for about 20 to 30 minutes to deliver a letter from the town I live in. What is your name?

Wilson Miles
Hi Fernando, I'm Wilson, but you can call me Will. That's cool, that seems like a long walk for a young boy like you?

Fernando Carson
Well, I just turned 12 this month and I've done the journey plenty of times. So, how about you, what are you here for?

Fernando Carson
I have come to look the castles built around the area. I find the architecture of the structure fascinating and I would love to included it in the new novel I am writing. And same with the beautiful landscape this county provides such as the bright green grass and these creatively long lasting walls all the way on each side of the roads.

Wilson Miles
How long have you been here and are by yourself?

Fernando Carson
Yep, I'm by myself unfortunately. I tried to persuade my best friend to come but he wasn't interested because it would have been a 4 day trip taking the long weekend off of work. This is just my first full day, I arrived late afternoon.
So, do you have any hobbies to do around this amazing part of the country?

Wilson Miles
Well, I love taking pictures of the wildlife and scenery in the area. It makes me feel free and exited when I get to go out. And best of all is when I can take a spectacular photo. Would you like to see my new camera my parents got me for my birthday?

Wilson opens the flap of his bag hanging from his shoulder and takes out his camera.

Fernando Carson
Wow, that camera is spectacular. You must be able to take some amazing pictures with it.

Wilson Miles
Yes, the quality of the images I take are fabulous. That's why I love using it.

Fernando Carson
Do think I could take a picture?

Wilson Miles
Yes of course, be careful its heavier than it looks

Fernando Carson
Wow, the camera is very big, let me take a quick picture of the view in front of us.

Wilson Miles

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