Grandpa: 2023-04-18

"I have done things that I can never take back. I have taken lives and destroyed families, and the guilt and shame have been eating me alive for years. It started with small things, like torturing animals or stealing things that didn't belong to me. But then I realized that I had a taste for something much darker… No that’s dumb. Ugh. I’ll try this again later-“


That was from a microcassette labeled “June 2003”. There are hundreds of tiny cassettes in this box. Here - this one is labeled “September 1999”:

“The name is… Richard Islington. From New York. Age 37. Weight is… where are my glasses - here we go. Weight is 256. Wow! Took down a big one this time. Normal disposal method to be employed, but given the size of the body it make take longer. I’ll send the daughter a check in three years for her schooling. Best I can do this time.”


What the hell is this?

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