Embiid's BLOG

Writing & talking about engineering, airplane, and things I find interesting. #100Days

Can Not Sign Up Or Sign In Warp With Github(Public Beta)

Can't sign up or sign in Warp with Github? Oops! We are unable to log you in. Don't have an account? Click here to sign up. Warp does not work properly when connected through a proxy? Let's follow the article to summarize the Login issues and fix it hand by hand. Warp is now in the public beta Warp, the Rust-based modern terminal, is now in public beta! That means you don't need an invite code anymore! Congrats! Been using Warp since private beta and love how it gets better every week. S...
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WARP does not work after submitting an invite code

Oops! We are unable to log you in. Don't have an account? Click here to sign up. Not respond on signing-in Github even though It shows a "You‘re logged in!" message? WARP doesn't follow system proxy? Please follow the article to fix it. At the end of the last article, we talk about the bug that login in with Github but WARP does not work. In this article, I will share a method for achieving this. What's the bug? After you submit an invite code, then hit "Sign in" => "Login with GitHu...
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How to get a Warp terminal invite code?

If you are interested in the Warp terminal, you should need an invite code. Click here to download it. Read more if the invite codes don't work. What is Warp? There is an introduction in warp documentation : Warp is a blazingly fast, Rust-based terminal that makes you and your team more productive at running, debugging, and deploying code and infrastructure. It is a fully-native app built in Rust that renders on the GPU. Why does the Warp terminal need an invite code? Warp release start...
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