Valentines Day
February 18, 2019•482 words
I parked in front of Adrian's house to pick him up for our low maintenance valentines date to Tim Hortons, and this boy came out of his house in a suit and tie carrying an armful of roses and chocolate. I had told him the valentines budget was $3 but the bastard didn't listen.
I really don't deserve him sometimes... because I think buying flowers is stupid and I threw them in a trash can on the way home from the date because I was too stubborn to let my dad see them (but I won't tell Adrian this).
I bought him Tim Hortons and pulled three battery powered candles out of my old cloth backpack and decorated the car's dashboard with candles and roses. I was wearing the only dress I own, a plain black slip that I've had since 7th grade and only worn about twice before. I'd put on makeup too, something I haven't done in forever.
It was a cute date idea, I'll be honest. We sat in our favourite empty parking lot on the edge of an escarpment overlooking the city, the interior of my car decorated in cheesy valentines things and illuminated by the artificial flickering of my fake dollar store candles. We drank bitter Timmie's coffee in our fancy date attire and talked about nothing as we watched the city's lights go out one by one.
At around 11:30pm we walked to this one spot in the woods with an amazing view of the city. But it's not just that, it's the spot we used to sit at for hours on end before I had a car, back in grades nine and ten before we were dating or even having sex. That spot is charged with memories, so we placed a rose in one of the trees and sat there just as we used to do before the cold starting numbing our fingers and we retreated back to the car's heated seats.
He told me he's thinking about joining the army because he doesn't think his mental health is good enough to get through enough school to be a police officer. That makes me sad. His dad is also threatening to kick him out of the house, which isn't doing the whole mental health situation much good. And while he was telling me this I couldn't help thinking about my impending departure from this city next September.
What will we do without each other? I'll survive fine, I'll have university to distract me and I'm just in a better place than Adrian is. I hope Adrian finds something to busy himself with when I am gone. By next year's valentines day I will be halfway through my first year of university, and who knows who I'll be spending it with.
Valentines day 2019 has proven to be a day I'll remember. It was really amazing.