StandardNotes: Show unfinished Todo's
July 19, 2024•211 words
Here's a view that can show you all your Notes that have unfinished tasks left:
"operator": "and",
"value": [
"keypath": "tags",
"operator": "includes",
"value": {
"keypath": "title",
"operator": "=",
"value": "test1"
"keypath": "text",
"operator": "includes",
"value": "- [ ]"
This will show you all notes with the markdown string "- [ ]" representing an unchecked checkbox. It also filters notes using the tag "test1".
This can be helpful if you're trying to build a task management system in StandardNotes and have similar functionality to Bear (which gives you a view like this by default).
If you're using Super Notes, the filter needs to look slightly different:
"operator": "and",
"value": [
"keypath": "tags",
"operator": "includes",
"value": {
"keypath": "title",
"operator": "=",
"value": "test1"
"keypath": "text",
"operator": "includes",
"value": "checked\":false"
This tests if "checked":false" is in the note, which occurs at unchecked check marks. Wrap this with an or-operator, if you need both editor types:
"operator": "and",
"value": [
"operator": "or",
"value": [
"keypath": "text",
"operator": "includes",
"value": "checked\":false"
"keypath": "text",
"operator": "includes",
"value": "- [ ]"
Originally posted on Reddit.