Issue No. 27: German Unity Day, Lufthansa Upcyling, Bring Back Handwriting, Facial Recognition in India & More...
October 3, 2019•153 words
Worth reading:
- The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Well, I finally finished reading The Gulag Archipelago and it is by far one of the most important books any of us could possibly read. Be sure to add it to your list.
- German Unity Day: Today is the day to fight for privacy.
- Lufthansa Upcycling Collection
- MEISTER branding
- Using Google Maps costs more than you think.
- A.074 - A house near the forest, Warsaw
- Bring Back Handwriting: It’s Good for Your Brain
- India is planning a huge China-style facial recognition program
- iOS Notification redesign concept
Worth watching:
- Wibmer's Law - Fabio Wibmer
- Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democracy
- Vans' "Take It Back" Video
Worth listening to:
Worth seeing: