Really Living | Th 1/19
January 20, 2023•718 words
I woke up early this morning, which surprised me since I didn't even have much sleep planned. Maybe my body is used to being sleep-deprived now. I definitely shouldn't nap today in order to keep this from repeating. I had some morning meetings and it was nice getting to talk with Sam about the automation utility. He went very big-picture with planning kind of like how Gonzalo did yesterday, and it was very helpful in establishing a roadmap of how we'll split the project into sprints. I feel like the meeting took me from being scared of the baby step in front of me to being able to see longer-term.
Since then I came into the office around 11:30, which is silly now that I think about it, but I guess I'm committed to getting this attendance. It sounds strange, but I think I should try keeping mental note of how often others come into the office since it can help me get a feel for expectations for myself. I guess by coming in late and leaving early I'm already bucking the trend, and I suppose no one has made a stink about it, at least not yet. Maybe I could shift to only 2 days in-office immediately.
That late meeting yesterday which no one else attended was intended for today at the same time, which is heartbreaking. I may just hang out at mom's house after work until dinnertime to avoid traffic, but I also want to mess around with the stuff I got in the mail yesterday (clothes for the first time in a while, shoes for volleyball) and do chores.
Also while getting ready for work this morning I listened to the most recent Funny Rave again and it's even better than before. After taking the time to listen to the songs used in the mix in their original forms, they go even harder/funnier and I can appreciate the DJ work changing them all.
The rest of the work day was normal. Nicole and I met with Sam about the automation utility and set up future meetings, which felt good to do rather than bumble around like we've been doing for the past few weeks. I went home earlier than usual and it was nice dodging even usual traffic, but we had an event storming meeting as I got back and it was confusing following the flow of the application.
Afterwards I chilled and didn't nap, which I'll call a win. I tried on the new shoes, but the right is a bit too snug width-wise so I tried wearing them around while cooking and doing errands. The ordeal made me feel like a real American weaing shoes in the house. Even after some hours wearing them I resolved to try the freezing trick like for the older volleyball shoes, which was funny to remember since it took me back to times when I talked to Jasmine, who gave me the idea. I also put off lifting weights since Gigi expressed interest in working out together tomorrow, along with going to Patagonia since I told her about the sale and my gift card.
Other than that I did some more chores and errands, notably finally cleaning all of the shoes which were overdue. It was sad seeing the pureboosts got stained by the nasty pink bacteria from the water and bathroom since I left them soaking for too long. Those things served me well since the Summer after freshman year of college and it was nice reminiscing on being excited to buy them. The older volleyball shoes also finally got some cleaning, but I'm not sure how much cleaner they'll look since it's hard to keep shoes white. I guess I'll see after a day or two of letting them dry. Hopefully it doesn't rain in that time.
Just now I spent too long listening to various DJ sets. I was happy to see that I can wake up later tomorrow since I'm working remotely, but I shouldn't push it. Also speaking of sets, Devin and I committed to volunteering as setters for volleyball tomorrow since we both want to practice. I stumbled upon a great blog post about setting technique and it (along with rereading more Haikyuu) has me fired up to play.