Movie Scene Ananlysis

21:30 to 22:30

This scene portrays the first big incident in the story which is a turning point from everything positive that has happened until that point. The portrayal of this moment of Jow falling off the mountain and breaking his leg was scary, shocking, and frantic created empathy in the audience and these moods were created through close up shots of the pickaxe to create foreshadowing which tied into the tense music as well as the dialogue which was non-diegetic telling us what he wanted to do at that point which didn't happen and the dull, low music with the closeup o the axes foreshadows that together to create this shocking scene. The medium and large hots also added to the empathy and scared feeling for the audience as the portrayal of far off shots showed us the danger of a fall at that point and the big vastness that Joe would fall into. All in all believe the music, dialogue and, camera angles all portray the first big incident very well creating a sense of empathy for the audience and portraying the importance of this scene quite well.

Time of writing exercise: 15 minutes

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