Film Scene Analysis 2

Comment on how emotion is conveyed through music?

01:31:10 - 01:34:00

This scene shows us the part of the story where Joe starts losing his mind from dehydration and fatigue. I belie sound played a huge element in sowing the audience the feelings and thoughts Joe went through at that time. Diegetic sounds like Joe's mad hysterical laughs, cryptic whispers to himself, whimpering and breathing portrayed to the audience his emotions of madness. Non-diagetic sounds such as weird suspenseful music, the song by Boney M and the voiceover all added the lasting touching for the audience to feel the craziness of Joe's emotions at the time. The voiceover in the movie had a timbre emotion to it which added sympathy for the audience. The rest of the non-diegetic sounds played with crescendo and decrescendo to make the scene in my opinion messy and disturbing which I believe is the feelings Joe went through at that time. All in all, the sound played a very essential role in conveying the exact madness that this scene should have to understand Joe's hallucination.

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