Analytical Comparison Prose Extract and Film Scene

The prose extract is taken from chapter 10, page 145 of Touching the Void by Joe Simpson. The film scene is from Ray Mears survival video from minutes 3:40-5:03.
Both of these scenes were in the situation of being stranded in an unknown area. Simpson's was I in a snowy mountain environment while Mears was in a tropical island, so quite polar opposites. The sounds used in both situations also quite contrast to each other. Joe is in a difficult situation where it is very quiet except for the diegetic sounds that he would be making which we can tell by phrases such as 'take my mitts and inner gloves off" and "jolt me". These phrases suggest movement which would make diegetic sounds in the scene contrasting to the quietness of the mountain. Mears film scene although had a mix of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds such as the sounds of the environment such as birds chirping, animal sounds, and the rustling of trees. The non-diegetic sounds used in the scene were the soft calming music which was to add an adventurous and fun mood to the video. This contrasts completely to Joe's predicament as while he has only diegetic sounds that we can understand from the text such as his movements and just simple quietness which is daunting, Mears has a less isolated situation as he can hear various animals on the island, completely different to Joe, and there is non-diegetic music playing that is upbeat and calming rather than dead silence which is worrying and scary. So we understand that although both of these examples are in every similar situation of being isolated and deserted in an unknown area there are a lot of differences other than the visuals of how both scenes are presented through sounds which set the mood.

(next paragraph would be imagery/visuals)
(15 minutes)

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