Workout 148/L6

Workout Lottery

''Comrade, show me some speed'

1 round for time of:

  • 10km cycling

Submit your score if you dare

Workout lottery rules

  1. Do the workout and make a video, or share the workout link(garmin) or other app)
  2. Upload your video Here. You need to have an account, create if you don't have it
  3. Submit your video link Here
  4. Send 5 rmsfitness(RMS) tokens to @rmsbodybuilding with this platform
  5. Wait until lottery will end. 7 days after Announcement
  6. This workout end on 18/05/2022
  7. You can submit any amount of workouts. More workout bigger chance to win.
  8. The winner will be chosen by random ticket number.
  9. Join the fediverse and connect with Myworkoutarena 10 tokens

How to get RMS tokens

  1. Submit your trade-free product Here You will get 100 tokens
  2. Use #myworkoutarena tag for your posts at hive blockchain. 0.01 token
  3. (Not recommended) To buy at platform
  4. You can donate fiat money so it will be funded here. 1/2 token
  5. Donate to Tromsite. 1/2 token
  6. Share any good trade-free idea. 1-1000 tokens
  7. Compete in Daily workout at Daily Workout. 1-10 tokens
  8. Share your trade-free jobs and goods at Friendica. 1 token

White paper

  1. Money goes to fund trade-free products and services

Workout 144/L3 Winner

Congratulations @minde for winning 185 RMS tokens

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