Earth CF

Organs: Spleen and Stomach
Time of day: 7am - 11am
Yin/Yang: Center, balance
Purpose: Caretaking
Archetype: Mother
Color: yellow
Emotion: Worry
Taste: Sweet
Season: Late (Indian) summer
Sound: Singing
Conflict response: engaging other side's feelings
Tissue: muscles

The Earth CF type of person likes to be of help. They enjoy talking about your problems, feel sympathy and usually offer help. This CF is all about human capacity to assist others, to feel, to engage empathy and find purpose in creating wellbeing for other people. Taking care of others satisfies the Earth CF on the deepest level.

On extreme, the Earth CF helps others while forgetting to take care of themselves. They are prone to worry, often non-stop. They usually have the sweet tooth and this doesn't help as sugar injures Stomach and Spleen, creating a downward spiral of disharmony.

Earth type pathology patterns include diabetes, digestive and dietary issues, problems in the mouth cavity (controlled by Stomach), prolapse and frequent defecation (Spleen is in charge of "holding"), muscle tone deterioration, excessive worry and lack of emotional (and spiritual) stability.

To address Earth CF health issues, diet is of the utmost importance. Whole foods, low (or no) sugar, cooked vegetables, thick "earthy" soups, good quality bread and a selection of seeds and nuts. Connecting with Earth, weather by walking bare foot on the grass or trekking, hunting, fishing, hiking. Singing and making music helps, especially in harmony with others.

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