Sunday 01/Nov/2020... listed and logged
November 2, 2020•209 words
Random Thoughts:
- 07:00 - gonna have to hide the trick-or-treat candy from myself. Wonder if Sylvia knows anyone we can give it away to.
- 20:50 - Pinch me, but the Cowboys are actually leading the Eagles 9-7 at half time.
Prayers, etc.:
- 07:10 - Prayer for the Sick: O Blessed St. Roch..., Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory Be..., The Apostles Creed, Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
- 12:15 - Mt 5:1-12
- 17:00 - Sunday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum
- 20:30 - 5 Decades of the Rosary, The Glorious Mysteries
- 08:00 - 2 pcs. of pizza
- 08:30 - grapefruit
- 11:30 - shrimp and vegetable salad
- 15:30 - corn
- 16:40 - fried rice
- 18:00 - snack on cheese
Chores, etc.:
- 08:00 - monitor trusted news sources
- 11:30 - listen to NFL Pregame show on SiriusXM
- 12:00 - tune in to the Colts/Lions game
- 12:30 - update paper planner and budget book
- 15:00 - posted a micro-blog post
- 15:25 - time now for my 2nd game of the afternoon, Bears/Saints
- 19:15 - and the night game has my Dallas Cowboys on local AM radio
- 13:00 - start working on my chess games
- 14:15 - completed moves in all pending CC games