Friday 06/Nov/2020... listed and logged
November 7, 2020•244 words
Random thoughts:
- Was not as prudent with yesterday's diet as I should have been and the morning's health metrics reflect that. Will probably take a day or two to correct that.
- I notice that Fr. Heilman is calling for another 54-day Novena, this starting next Monday, 09 November, and ending on 01 January 2021. He's naming this one a "GET STRONG BOOT CAMP." Think I'll do it.
Prayers, etc:
- 07:20 - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
- 15:00 - The Apostles' Creed
- 15:30 - Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum
- 18:15 - Lk 16:1-8
- 18:50 - Fr. Chad Ripberger's Prayer of Command to protect President Trump from any demonic activity
- 19:30 - 5 Decades of the Rosary, The Sorrowful Mysteries
- 20:25 - Archbishop Vigano's Prayer for The United States of America
- 08:30 - 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
- 10:45 - baked potato, plate of meatballs
- 15:45 - bowl of vegetable soup
- 17:30 - rotisserie chicken
Chores, etc.:
- 09:30 - published a blog post
- 10:45 - monitor trusted news sources
- 13:30 - update budget book and paper planner
- 14:00 - watch game show with Sylvia
- 16:30 - turned on Newsmax TV
- 18:00 - tuned in SitiusXM ACC Radio channel for the play by play call of tonight's Miami (Fl) @ NC State football game
- 20:35 - laminated prayer pages
- 15:45 - start working on the day's CC games
- 17:00 - finished the day's chess work