Friday 27/Nov/2020... listed and logged
November 28, 2020•231 words
Random thoughts:
- I've actually reached out to tech support for help with an Internet-related issue. This doesn't happen very often. Usually I AM tech support.
- Looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight to make up for last night's insomnia filled debacle.
Prayers, etc.:
- 08:00 - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
- 08:20 - The Apostles Creed
- 10:50 - Pater Noster, Gloria Patri
- 13:00 - Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, and my great grandchildren from any demonic activity; and Archbishop Vigano's Prayer for The United States of America
- 19:50 - Lk 21:29-33
- 20:30 - Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum
- 22:20 - Day 19 of the 54-Day "Get Strong" Novena For Our Nation, Bible reading, meditations and prayers - tonight's Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries
- 08:15 - 1 banana
- 10:30 - corn bread and ham
- 14:00 - turkey and stuffing
- 18:30 - more turkey, and stuffing, and gravy
Chores, etc.:
- 09:00 - watch videos by Taylor Marshall, and Bill Whittle
- 12:00 - put on some music while doing chores
- 14:30 - tuned into the Notre Dame - UNC game
- 18:10 - Listening now to the pregame talk before tonight's Oregon vs Oregon St. football game - Go Ducks!
- 16:15 - working on all my chess games