Thursday 10/Dec/2020... listed and logged
December 11, 2020•276 words
Random thoughts:
- Today's big 3: Doctor's appointment, (I'm so happy the office offered me the option to make this one a tele-health call rather than the face-to-face as was originally scheduled; chess work, of course; and yard work.
- Listening to the radio call of a football game while doing some light reading: a good way to end a day.
Prayers, etc.:
- 08:30 - The Apostles' Creed
- 15:30 - Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
- 17:55 - Lk 11:11-15
- 18:00 - Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity; and Archbishop Vigano's Prayer for The United States of America.
- 19:50 - Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum
- 20:20 - Day 32 of the 54-Day "Get Strong" Novena For Our Nation, Bible reading, meditations and prayers - tonight's Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries.
- 08:40 - cinnamon roll
- 09:30 - pasta salad and meat rolls
- 13:45 - ice cream bar
- 15:15 - 2 tamales
- 16:45 - bowl of pasta salad
Chores, etc.:
- 10:45 - tele-health appointment with my primary doc
- 11:10 - finally able to access my old Free Talk account via desktop computer
- 11:30 - yard work
- 13:45 - watch game shows
- 15:00 - tune into sports talk radio show.
- 16:00 - assemble new lawn mower
- 17:00 - tune into NEWSMAX TV
- 18:30 - Wheel of Fortune
- 19:15 - Thursday Night Football
- 09:00 - moved in all ICCF games
- 18:25 - moved in several non-ICCF games