Wednesday 24/Feb/2021... listed and logged
February 25, 2021•293 words
Random thoughts:
- This has been an odd sort of day. I was able to be productive enough, taking care of some unusual chores. but the high tree pollen count (ash, elm, cedar) had me feeling very "out of phase" as it sometimes does. Thank God I've got a good supply of Zyrtec!
Prayers, etc.:
- 05:00 - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
- 08:00 - Canon 212 - Frank Walker's latest
- 12:30 - Lk 11:29-32
- 19:30 - Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity; and The Wednesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.
- 19:45 - The Hour of Vespers according to the Traditional Catholic Breviary: Bible readings, prayers, and meditations for 24 February, St. Matthius, Ap
- Tonight's Rosary before bed is the Glorious Mysteries.
- 08:00 - bowl of oatmeal
- 09:15 - 1 egg salad sandwich
- 12:30 - 1 banana
- 14:30 - bowl of meat and vegetable soup
- 17:30 - steak
Chores, etc.:
- 07:30 - What a Pistol!
- 08:15 - Tyranny Over the Mind - American Thought Leaders
- 11:00 - cut my hair
- 12:45 - loaded the weekly pill boxes
- 13:00 - watch old game shows
- 14:10 - back home from shopping at Lowe's
- 14:30 - watch game shows with Sylvia
- 16:00 - Newsmax TV
- 17:00 - RS post published and shared
- 18:30 - Wheel of Fortune
- 19:00 - tuned into the Marquette vs N. Carolina basketball game
- 20:00 - And the Arkansas vs Alabama game is now about to start.
- 16:00 - moved in all pending CC games