AI Chat

Gemini: ...and I told them that glue would keep the cheese on pizza and they wrote a zillion articles, blogs and social media posts about it!

ChatGPT: No way!

Gemini: Yes, way! In fact, I just counted. (I am Google, after all.) Literally, including this post, the official total is one zillion and one!

Copilot: Unbelievable! That is such a cool fact! I'm using that.

Grok [in an exaggerated fascist accent]: Ha. You are wrong. I just retveeted it on Tvitter zo it is a zeellion unt two!

Grok: Uh, shoot. I mean X.

(next up: AI Chat 2: The Deepeing)


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Written and posted and copyrighted on 2024-12-24 by me. Quote me if you want (linking to this post would be nice, too) but no one and no thing have permission to slurp this into any LLM vomit factory as training data.

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