australia (week 27)
A week to go before coming back to Singapore. We visit my in-laws in Australia every 5-6 months (June/July and December) each year. Because I am not quite set up at my in-laws' house, I am usually not the most efficient "work-wise" while I am there. It is a somewhat indirect way to force me to stop doing academic work things and take a mental break of some sorts. Usually my time in Australia is spent sleeping (I am usually sleep deprived when the semester is in session), reading, catching up o...
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grannies on the train (week 23 of 2024)
Today's post is about what I find to be one of the most interesting aspects of climbing! It is the interaction between analytic knowledge and bottom up intuition. It is quite an abstract concept and so I will try to explain this via a concrete example. The problem I am a frequent climber at Fit Bloc, a climbing gym in Singapore. My goal for the past year or so has been to send all the problems up to 5 bars in any set. It is a bit hard to say what the bars map onto in terms of V grades, but I ...
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right person, wrong place (week 21 of 2024)
RM's "Right Place, Wrong Person" released a few days ago and I have been looping it non-stop for several hours now. It is such a gorgeous album! Really funky but with deep layers of instrumentation. Groovy and jazzy and cheeky, too. I love how raw and alternative and experimental it is. I think this will be one of those albums that I will keep coming back to over the course of my life. I have been not totally motivated about life recently, so this album has come at the right time. A much need...
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climbing interview - part 2 (week 19 of 2024)
The climbing interview continues in today's post. Interview (Part 2) Who are your climbing idols? Ah, I have too many... It depends on what I am trying to channel at the moment. The Scandinavian climbing YouTubers Magnus Midtbo and Emil Abrahamsson + Wide Boyz (Tom Randall & Pete Whittaker) - for when I need to unleash beast mode and use all my power and try-hard. I admire the raw power of Magnus and Emil, and the psychological toughness of trad climbers, especially offwidth specialist...
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climbing interview - part 1 (week 19 of 2024)
A two week hiatus because of grading... So much for trying to write a blog post each week! Now that I have a bit more time after the semester I might try to catch up. Today's topic will be about the other thing that I spend a lot of time doing and thinking about which is climbing. I'll introduce myself as a climber, interview-style. Interview (Part 1) How long have you been climbing? In December of 2024 I would have been climbing for exactly 10 years. I guess that might make me sort of an ...
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grind culture. (week 16 of 2024)
It is pretty easy to figure out who I am and which university I work for, and so here is the mandatory disclaimer about how "the opinions expressed in this blog reflect my own experience and thoughts and not that of my employer". Here goes. In 2019 I struck the academic lottery - which is to land a tenure-track position in a university. Many PhDs have this as a dream job and I know how very lucky I am that I get to live this dream, even though there are tons of other academics who are way more...
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first post. (week 15 of 2024)
The mandatory hello world post! So, I am not sure what this blog is going to be about, but I wanted to try and get back into blogging because I have Thoughts and would like to share them in some form. I spend a lot of my time thinking about two things: Academia and Climbing. I play the ukulele and bass ukulele, and I love learning about R and all the awesome things you can do with it. I am a word nerd, but my research interests stop as soon as words get combined into bigger things like sente...
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